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Help with iPad Air with prior ipad3 settings

I got both Ipads restored with no problems except for my husband's photos. His Ipad One was IOS 5 something and the PHoto app didn't translate well to IOS7 Photos. Albums empty but collections, photos, Moments all there so he will just have to sort to albums again.Beyond that, all went well and much faster than I remember from restoring the Ipad 3 from Ipad One. I guess the biggest pain in upgrading is having to sign in to things like Dropbox, Kindle, Twitter, etc.

OT, but I have had issues with not being able to either connect or pair my Apple BT Keyboard (altho' everything else BT connected, including my Logitech Ultrathin keyboard) ever since IOS7 upgrade. I thought 7.0.3 had fixed it but it degraded end of the week. So--the Ipad Air seems to play better with all bluetooths. Connecting fine as well as pairing as I added the devices.
Will I have to first update my ipad 3 from IOS 6 to IOS 7, then perform an backup - all before I restore my ipad 3 settings to the ipad Air?

Also noticed my PC seems to only have saved my last 2 backups. Should not there be more? And where are they in my PC ?
As I am thinking of backing up those back ups to another drive just to be safe.
You will have to update your iPad as well as iTunes on the PC before you backup and set up your new iPad.

Backups can be found here:

Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
Note: To quickly access the Application Data folder, click Start, and choose Run. Type %appdata% and click OK.
Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
Note: To quickly access the AppData folder, click Start. In the search bar, type %appdata% and press the Return key.
(Apple Support)
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As a quick note, you do not have to update the iPad 3 in order to use its backup on your iPad Air. You can always put a backup from a lower version of iOs onto an iPad with a newer iOS. What you can't do is put a newer iOS backup onto an older one. So, if you don't with to upgrade the iPad 3 to iOS 7, it's not necessary.

And, as a general rules, iTunes overwrites the backups it makes for each device. I would assume it was a programming decision so that you don't end up filling up your computer's hard drive with a bunch of backups...

Marilyn - thanks.
Would I be correct in that which ever IOS version on my iPad3 will make no difference when the apps and settings are
restored to the Air? In other words not updating my ipad3 to IOS7 will not decrease performance of the iPad Air.
Marilyn - thanks.
Would I be correct in that which ever IOS version on my iPad3 will make no difference when the apps and settings are
restored to the Air? In other words not updating my ipad3 to IOS7 will not decrease performance of the iPad Air.

Correct. Your iPad Air will not be degraded by restoring it with the backup of your iPad 3 running iOS 6. The worst you'll find is that you may have to update some apps because they were updated to run on iOS 7 (and you didn't have iOS 7 on the 3).

The key is that the iPad Air will have your settings and data, making it easier to start using it right away.


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