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Help with Upgrading jailbroken iPad2 3g 4.3.3 to 5.0.1


iPF Noob
Hello everyone,
I want to upgrade my jailbroken iPad 2 3g (4.3.3) to 5.0.1 so i will be able to jailbreak it.
As i saw , Cydia saved the shsh blob for version 5.0.1.
The issue is that i cant figure out if i missed the train because 5.1 is out now.

Can anyone help me ? Is there a guide for upgradeing my ipad to 5.0.1 with my 5.0.1 shsh blob ?

Thank you very much !
Hello everyone,
I want to upgrade my jailbroken iPad 2 3g (4.3.3) to 5.0.1 so i will be able to jailbreak it.
As i saw , Cydia saved the shsh blob for version 5.0.1.
The issue is that i cant figure out if i missed the train because 5.1 is out now.

Can anyone help me ? Is there a guide for upgradeing my ipad to 5.0.1 with my 5.0.1 shsh blob ?

Thank you very much !

Unfortunately, as you so aptly pointed out, you have indeed "missed the train." You cannot load iOS 5.0.1 on that iPad2, even though you've saved SHSH blobs (they don't work that way for the iPad2 as of now). Repeat: cannot.

The only options left to you are (1) keep it jail broken on iOS 4.3.3 or (2) upgrade to iOS 5.1 and hope that a jail break is found soon while you enjoy iOS 5 goodness.


Hello all, new here

I am in the situation. I have a iPad2 on 4.3.3 except I have shsh saved by tinyumbrella for 4.3.5, 5.0.1 and 6.0.1
The Wife wants me to upgrade because there are apps she wants to put on due to not being on 5.x or higher won't install.

I have done a lot of reading and some say I can upgrade from 4.3.3 to 5.01 using redsnow.
Any info on this would be appreciated.

ipad 2 cannot upgrade to 5.0., ive updated mine to 5.1.1 and then jailbroken it. try updating it directly from your ipad, and then use absinte or redsnow to jailbreak the device
You canNOT directly upgrade to iOS 5.0.1. Period.

In fact, with an ipad2 or newer, you cannot selectively upgrade to any iOS other than the newest one (iOS 6.1.3 as of this writing) - even if you have the blobs. Apple changed the way the upgrade process worked back in iOS 5 days...

Since you have an iPad2 and as you have SHSH blobs for iOS 4 and iOS 5.0.1, you might be able to upgrade to iOS 6.1.3 and then, using the iOS 4 blobs, install that iOS 5.0.1 for which you also have blobs. Take a look at the redsn0w information in this link (under the iPad2 line): http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=24377.

The only iOS that will work with this is iOS 5.0.1 as that is the iOS 5 version for which you have blobs. If it succeeds, that is the iOS you will install and then use redsn0w to jail break. Otherwise, the only upgrade you can do is to iOS 6.1.3 and that is not jailbreakable.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

well I gave it a try and some how I was able to go from 4.3.3 to 4.3.5 but not to 5.0.1 which I wanted and how one
of the member said it would not happen. I got an error message after it finished 4.3.5 and tried to do 5.0.1. It left me
in recovery mode which iTunes fixed by doing a recovery from my back up.
So at the moment I am in worse shape. Some my apps did not restore even though I did a back up (no surprise) but I thought
doing a "Transfer Purchases" would have solved by dragging them over later didn't work. They are still on the computer
in the iTunes folder so there not lost, I think... iFun box won't install them saying I need to install Apple sync on the iPad2
but I believe I need to be jailbroke to do that. I am not having luck finding a jailbreak for 4.3.5.
Can anyone tell me if they skipped that version?

I was going to let iTune update me to what it had been saying is 6.1.3 then try the downgrade again but today when I was ready to try iTune stated ios7 was the update so I stopped.

Any help getting to a Jailbreak would be appreciated. My goal was to go to 5.x but that's not looking good now.

well I gave it a try and some how I was able to go from 4.3.3 to 4.3.5 but not to 5.0.1 which I wanted and how one
of the member said it would not happen. I got an error message after it finished 4.3.5 and tried to do 5.0.1. It left me
in recovery mode which iTunes fixed by doing a recovery from my back up.
So at the moment I am in worse shape. Some my apps did not restore even though I did a back up (no surprise) but I thought
doing a "Transfer Purchases" would have solved by dragging them over later didn't work. They are still on the computer
in the iTunes folder so there not lost, I think... iFun box won't install them saying I need to install Apple sync on the iPad2
but I believe I need to be jailbroke to do that. I am not having luck finding a jailbreak for 4.3.5.
Can anyone tell me if they skipped that version?

I was going to let iTune update me to what it had been saying is 6.1.3 then try the downgrade again but today when I was ready to try iTune stated ios7 was the update so I stopped.

Any help getting to a Jailbreak would be appreciated. My goal was to go to 5.x but that's not looking good now.


Unfortunately, you've run out of time and thus out of luck. You can no longer upgrade to iOS 6.1.3 so you can download to iOS 5.0.1 via iOS 4 blobs and redsn0w. Apple is no longer signing iOS 6.1.3, they are only signing iOS 7, now. I do not know if it would work if you upgraded to iOS 7 and then tried to downgrade using redsn0w.

But, it may be worth a shot, because the iOS you are at now, iOS 4.3.5, does not have a jail break for it (the only jail breakable iOS 4 version was 4.3.3).

Sorry, but I believe you will now have to upgrade to iOS 7 and join the ranks of those waiting for a jail break there.

I confirmed what Marilyn said. In the process I upgraded from 4.3.3 to 4.3.5 (redsnow) I was going to update to 6.1.3 and follow
the procedure Marilyn stated but today when I went to do the update in iTunes 6.1.3 was not available and iTunes
wanted to install ios7 Not knowing if I would be in worse shape I didn't do the upgrade.
At the moment even though I did do a back up and a transfer purchases, it still did not restore all my apps and gave
me a error message for 7 apps.

My question now is if I did upgrade to ios7 would I still be able to down grade using redsnow?

Also, if the answer is no, is there a jailbreak for 4.3.5 for iPad2

Thank you,
Thank you Marylin ...

I think I will give it a few days and hope someone who might have done this with an iPad2 can post
before I give it a try..
Like you say I really have nothing to loose and 4.3.5 sucks due to no Jailbreak...

Just an update.... after letting iTunes update me to 7.0.2 I was able to successfully downgrade
to 5.01 using redsnow with my 5.01 shsh. It was easier than I thought.
I performedd a jailbreak right after the downgrade which also went smooth.


Hello all, new here

I am in the situation. I have a iPad2 on 4.3.3 except I have shsh saved by tinyumbrella for 4.3.5, 5.0.1 and 6.0.1
The Wife wants me to upgrade because there are apps she wants to put on due to not being on 5.x or higher won't install.

I have done a lot of reading and some say I can upgrade from 4.3.3 to 5.01 using redsnow.
Any info on this would be appreciated.

Just an update.... after letting iTunes update me to 7.0.2 I was able to successfully downgrade
to 5.01 using redsnow with my 5.01 shsh. It was easier than I thought.
I performedd a jailbreak right after the downgrade which also went smooth.


Well, now that's pretty cool, and good to know. Glad it worked out for you in the end. :)

Thanks for telling us of your success.

Just an update.... after letting iTunes update me to 7.0.2 I was able to successfully downgrade
to 5.01 using redsnow with my 5.01 shsh. It was easier than I thought.
I performedd a jailbreak right after the downgrade which also went smooth.

so i can just let itunes upgrade my ipad2 3G to the newest iOS and then just Downgrade with redsnow if i have saved SHSHs for 5.0.1 or 5.1.1 ?

because i have problems with the baseband that cant be signed now if i re restore from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1

maybe the newest 7.0.4 would be the solution.

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