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Help with You Tube app

The YouTube app on my Ipad 1 started acting up a while ago so I deleted it then went to the Itunes Store and downloaded it again. It first told me the updated version was not suitable then offered to let me download an older version.
This has been working fine for me - I have been catching up on old series of Hell's Kitchen in bed over the past few days instead of dropping off to sleep!!
Hi Elizellen,

after re-downloading the app, are you able to connect to YouTube with it, access your subscription and your playlists and so on?

Unfortunately, I can't, here, that's my problem with the iPad 1 and iOS5

best regards,

Hi Elizellen,

I have just doublechecked and yes I am, Pvol

Will check and try again tonight. Last time I tried that, I couldn't delete the app (no possibility for this). But I saw that this problem has been addressed on the forum so I will follow the mentionned procedure...



@Mickey330: downloaded the free Instatube yesterday. And that's a working solution for my problem: I was able to login to my YouTube account, access my subscriptions and playlists. Thanks for that excellent trick!

@Elizellen: strange enough, I couldn't find a way to delete the YouTube app to redownload it. Neither on the iPad itself or iTunes could I find the app icon. For now, I will test Instatube so I won't worry to much about it. But I suppose this situation is part of my problem...

best regards,

Hurray! Glad you got something that'll work for you.

Guess it's time to tuck that old app into a "this is useless" folder. Cause it looks as if YouTube stopped supporting it, but you can't delete it because Apple made it stock on iOS 5.1.1.

Regardless, I'm glad we could get your issue sorted. And, thanks for coming back and telling us your problem got resolved. Always nice to hear back - especially the success stories. :)


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