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iPF Noob
marc here...I bought the Ipad 64 for my birthday..I read all the stuff about it...and i'm thinking of bringing it back to bb...on the fence about this...want it..but will it be a dud! help!
No idea how to help you. This forum is for introductions and help on using the forum. If you have a question post in the appropriate forum.

Going by what you posted, if you don't like it, take it back....
Hey Guys and Gals:

I want to change my online name - to something cool - like some of you. How do I do it? Or do I just re-register? I will let you know what I change it to.
Don't you mean Taking it Back.. Bringing is speaking from the position of Best Buy. Or you have already made your mind up and your speaking as if you had already done it, so complete the task at this point perhaps.

All I can say, you "impulse bought the iPad" had you thought more about it before hand perhaps you would not have made the purchase. Also, if you put that much leverage on what others say and not what your own conscious is telling you, then you need to make a more informed decision on whether this is a device that suits your desires wants or needs at this moment in time.

Too many people today make uninformed decisions based mainly on Impulse or Immediate Gratification. A Little delayed gratification can go a long way and to practice it in the beginning is part of growing towards making less hasty decisions on the conscious part and being more clear in the mind to accept the rewards later when it all makes sense and agrees with your current situation or surroundings.

Making haste is to make waste. - When in doubt, wait it out. :)

Get to a quiet place, then think to yourself without speaking aloud, Is this what I want, your mind will answer you will feel or sense what is right. You probably already had that answer before the purchase was made, but you seem to have done it anyway, but at that moment your mind was probably making you feel the regret your now communicating to this very forum.

That is a step in the right direction, now just as you acted on the want, now act on the thought or feeling your subconscious is already knowing, only you have to hear it first. No one else can tell you whats right for you, advice will be there always but the choice is yours in the end. ;)
I had been deliberating the purchase of a laptop, or a netbook for probably a year. I had also used many PDA's over the past 5 years, and preferred them to a fully functioning laptop for the portability function that they provide.

I have work Laptops, desktops and a personal 17" powerbook already, but again the portability of each of these devices was just too limiting.

Prior to the IPad, I had a Dell Axim and a Blackberry. These devices had just about filled the need I was searching for. The Axim ran windows Mobile and opened doc and xls files quite nicely, and allowed me to have the portability, but was still a bit small. The blackberry allowed the e-mail, texting and some browsing.

When the rumors started heating up for the IPad, I knew immediately this was the device I was looking for. Something that I could take with me and provide most all the other needs I had defined for my own use, but with just enough screen to allow comfortable reading and an input method that was integrated.

My point to all of this is that if you did not go through this type process, then maybe it was just a gadget purchase, and you should probably return it. The relatively low price points that the IPad sells for is still not chump change, so if you are feeling the pinch, again, you should probably return it.

I am happy with my purchase, because I had been trying to purchase the device for essentially 6 years, and it finally materialized as the IPad.
Bremen said:
No idea how to help you. This forum is for introductions and help on using the forum. If you have a question post in the appropriate forum.

Going by what you posted, if you don't like it, take it back....
I agree this forum is for introductions only
Cheers Colin
Just a heads up.... The OP appears to be a troll, posted this same type of thing on three other threads hereon iPad forums..... Sounds like a kid.

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