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Here b/c setting up my ipad3 locked me out of gmail on my desktop


iPF Noob
Hi. I am windows user who is married to a Mac addict. Over the years, although our first computer was a mac, I have found it professionally essential to become well versed in windows. My husband, owning his own company, has stuck with mac for over 25 yrs. now. He bought me a mac a few years ago and I really tried to like it for 6 mos. but eventually gave it up. There are some things I have to be able to do that a mac just can't do. An example is use websites which for some reason require the use of Internet Explorer (which I Hate). As of last week, I now own an ipad3.
I have searched a half dozen times for information on the problem which has led me to this site but having found nothing on point, I will try to state it succintly. I went to the Apple store for help getting my new ipad to allow me to set up my gmail account as my main email. It seems that because my gmail was set up with 2 step verification (in case of a lost password), it could not be set up on the ipad. The 2 step ver. had to be turned off before the gmail could be set up on the ipad. As I found the 2 step ver. useful, I had the young man at the apple store turn it back on before I left there. I can now receive my gmail on my ipad (and my touch- altho not through safari) but I cannot log into it on my desktop. Although I have the user name and password, it wants to verify and tells me "Enter the verification code generated by your mobile application." I have no such code and don't know how to get one. Google used to send the verification code to my cell phone but now it insists on using the 'mobile app.' I would go in and change Settings but I can't get in on my desktop (b/c I can't log in) and I can't get into settings for Gmail on my ipad either through the direct mail icon or using Safari to go into Google because Google knows I am using something Mobile and gives me only a couple 'mobile settings' as adjustable. I would like to be able to adjust 2 step ver. back to sending a text to my phone but I would even be willing to turn it off altogether if I could get into gmail on my desktop.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi, and welcome to the forum. It's good to "see" you and I hope you enjoy your visits.

I can't pretend that I know how to help. However, take a look at this thread, where people talked about the two-step process with Google passwords: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?p=484062

In particular, there is a link in post #13 that may help.

Hopefully, that'll do ya. Or, hopefully again, someone else will come along that might be able to help. Either way, I wish you luck and am keeping my fingers crossed that the link in the above will help.

Thank you but while the original poster had a similar problem, the person in #13 was doing something different (synchronizing calendars and contacts and such). I'll keep checking back as I am sure I'm not the only one to have this problem.
Thank you but while the original poster had a similar problem, the person in #13 was doing something different (synchronizing calendars and contacts and such). I'll keep checking back as I am sure I'm not the only one to have this problem.

Please go back to what Marilyn has referred you to. Look at the link in #13-the link within. It speaks about your 2-step verication process. You may have missed it, but look again. There may be some further explanation to your 2-step verification and how to access your desktop.
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I did as you suggested and although I felt like I was going around in circles again, for some reason, Google offered to send the verification code to my phone this time. That's all it took to get me back in so thanks very much to both of you.

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