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Heres an overlooked reason why ipad in general has 78% of the tablet market share

I think that it's basically a great user experience. No need to be a geek to enjoy Apple products. Even if the iPad was the "first" real tablet on the market, a lot of other companies have tried to put a mobile device on the market before...

- Netbooks
- Laptops/Tablet combo that was costing a bunch
- Media Players who could do some basic Internet surfing

Nobody was able to put a product on the market that would attract the mass like the iPad. Remember one of the first comment about the iPad: it's a big iPod! But everybody wanted to have an iPod as an mp3 player...

Another point for Apple is that their products do not feel cheap in hand. They do not feel like fragile plastic devices. You can see first hand that they are built with quality material.

Potential buyer thinking path...
1. It's a bit pricy, but it's an Apple product...
2. Hmmm, it looks great...
3. Hmmm, it feels great
4. Oh man, it can do that?
5. Oh man, I can even surf the net on the road?
6. Apple genius, great guy! I don't feel dumb when asking questions...
7. So basically, I just open the AppStore, and select what I want?
8. Seriously? 99 cents for a software?
9. So I can do emails, calendar, tasks, notes, etc.. So I can even use it for work?
10.Hmmm, that would be a great device, no need to bring a laptop anymore...
11.What? 10 hours of battery time? I could use it a whole day without having to recharge!
12. Oh, what the heck! I want one!

And then you get the effect of friends having one and just bragging about how fun it is... Has anybody ever heard a netbook user showing off his netbook? Nope!

People said that the iPad was pricy, but seeing the cost of other tablets right now... I don't think so...

VicoPad addict!
I think many know but just dont mention it often. I know ive been told this by a lot of moms and parents i know including my sister who both her, her hubby and their 6yr old girl all have an ipad.

KIDS!!!! Its the perfect toy for kids to play with! Whether its games, movies, their kids shows in the car, educational needs, reading. You name it.

And thats why i guess apple went with a 10.9" LCD screen size. Cause anything smaller and it would be too smaller for most kids.

Our grandkids came over yesterday ... oldest one just turned 16. the other two 14 and 12.

They got to play with grandma's ipad2 ... it wasn't more than a few minutes and garageband was in full swing. They had a ball ... one at a time of course. No instructions, they just figured it out ... and very quickly I might add. It is the intuitiveness. All these kids have cell phones. They know how to communicate. I have a laptop also ... my granddaughter was on Facebook before you know it. Otherwise she was texting one of her friends. She also shared time and space with us also ... imagine that ... actually sitting down and talking face to face with someone and carrying on a conversation... they even do that once in a while.

We did have a lot of fun. FWIW.:)
Well it's the Swiss army knife of toys.
All things to all children of all ages.

Certainly the best toys I've ever bought.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh........ when I was a lad.......

Home movies were shown on a big screen from an 8MM projector
TV and most movies were only B&W.
Surround sound were all the relative eating dinner at the same table.
Face time was two tin cans and a string.
Angry birds were angry birds.
My three year old plays with my iPad (supervised of course) but is now following along with the interactive stories. He loves the Tom cat app that mimics what he says. Thinks he's pretty smart! He even switches to different apps when he gets bored with the one he is playing with. I am planning on buying him an itouch however. So I can have my iPad back!
SweetPoison said:
I would, Grayson ~ I really would. Gosh, you could teach me so much!


Your probably wondering why I put a hyphen before the smiley. I want to just pit a smiley but it won't let me! Has to be 3 characters or more. Hate that.
Al Rogers said:
Pad???hell we used a Slate with a piece of chalk,:D

I think the idea came from God himself... If I remember well, he gave two iPad to Moses on the mountain. Probably prototypes as they seemed a bit heavy... ;)

VicoPad addict!

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