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hi i dont like my ipad

Why did you buy it?

I'll buy if off you for £50 :p

I don't think so, Johnny.:D The OP is sending it to me.:D


Loved your intro and your Name!:)
Or as Bob Geldof said in the Boomtown Rats song, "I don't lke Mondays!"
He was quoting Brenda Ann Spencer... the sick murderer who in 1979 fired at an elementary school, killing the principle, a custodian, and wounding 8 children and a police officer. When asked why she did it she said the now-infamous phrase... among others.

Or as Bob Geldof said in the Boomtown Rats song, "I don't lke Mondays!"
He was quoting Brenda Ann Spencer... the sick murderer who in 1979 fired at an elementary school, killing the principle, a custodian, and wounding 8 children and a police officer. When asked why she did it she said the now-infamous phrase... among others.


That doesn't sound too good.
Or as Bob Geldof said in the Boomtown Rats song, "I don't lke Mondays!"
He was quoting Brenda Ann Spencer... the sick murderer who in 1979 fired at an elementary school, killing the principle, a custodian, and wounding 8 children and a police officer. When asked why she did it she said the now-infamous phrase... among others.

I don't know if I'd go with "sick murderer" - more "disturbed teen"; wasn't Spencer only 16 or so at the time? But yeah, the song is Geldof quoting her response to a reporter asking why she did it. The Rats were in a radio station doing an interview when the reports of the shooting broke out.
I don't know if I'd go with "sick murderer" - more "disturbed teen"; wasn't Spencer only 16 or so at the time? But yeah, the song is Geldof quoting her response to a reporter asking why she did it. The Rats were in a radio station doing an interview when the reports of the shooting broke out.
Nah, sick murderer works just fine. She was a freak by all accounts... wasn't a surprise to many what she did. She practically telegraphed it. The logic that someone is disturbed could really be applied to any murderer... I mean a normal person doesn't just do something like that. The real victims were the ones she shot, and the lives she destroyed.

She won't be eligible for parole again till 2019 after being denied four times, including just last year.
Well i love the iPad to read PDF files, but that's all that it can do!

I bought this for school and while it is great for taking notes on PDF files... It ends there.

First, I am taking some online classes and I can't post on the discussion board with this thing. It wont let me click on the text box!

Second, my PDFs for my school are linked through JavaScript... The iPad wont let me save those PDFs to dl. I need to dl them on my desktop and transfer them.

Third, sometimes when i miss lecture, they post recorded lectures in iTunes U so we can view them later. My iPad cant play these videos! I need to dl them on my desktop and convert them to ipad format... WTF... iPad cant play iTunes videos WTF?

Fourth, no way to organize all my PDFs with no way to view files.. Right now I'm using noterize to read and highlight, notetaker hd to take notes in class, then i have to send them all to good reader to organize them into folders. This is way too much hassle! I'd rather just use one note!

This is specific to my situation im sure and if i were doing something else it wouldn't be so bad but for me at least.... I Am seriously amazed how it can't do anything through my school website... It's really disappointing. I'm actually typing this on my ipad but im going to return it soon. I already got the return slips. Its a pity because i actually really like the iPad but it cant do anything i need it to do.
Finally i just tried to edit my above post and it wouldn't let me scroll down to the end of my post! No scroll bar popped up in the text box and there are no arrow keys on the iPad. Anyways i ordered a thinkpad tablet... I really wish the iPad were more practical for me :(
Every shortcoming you posted is actually do-able on the iPad except the 4th, and that might be because I don't do much with pdfs. But enjoy your ThinkPad - I've got several from the IBM era and they're great machines.

How do you download PDFs linked through javascript? I know you can download pdfs when you have a url e.g. http://www.xxx.com/file.pdf, but if you don't and the link is a javascript link how do you get that url?

Also, I've downloaded Atomic Web Browser to see if I would be able to post on my discussion board using that, but it doesn't work. It seems like it's the exact same Safari browser but with tabs and in black.

Finally about iTunes U, how do I download a lecture on iTunes U and play them when iTunes tells me it cant play back that file? There is an option on my PC's iTunes that lets me convert it to iPad format, but that's the thing... I have to use my PC for the bulk of the transferring and converting and it's way too inconvenient.

If you can help me I'd really appreciate it
You can scroll down in the text boxes by holding your finger down, and then guiding the highlighted portion to the bottom, it will scroll down that way.

The rest of the stuff, I understand your frustration. I might ditch my iPad for a MacBook Pro, since it's got the best battery life to performance ratio of any laptop I've seen. The iPad has its uses, and at first I thought it was excellent for school, but the more I use it, the more I am getting frustrated with it. The *only* advantage it has over my current laptop is the battery life. A MacBook Pro would solve that problem.
You can scroll down in the text boxes by holding your finger down, and then guiding the highlighted portion to the bottom, it will scroll down that way.

The rest of the stuff, I understand your frustration. I might ditch my iPad for a MacBook Pro, since it's got the best battery life to performance ratio of any laptop I've seen. The iPad has its uses, and at first I thought it was excellent for school, but the more I use it, the more I am getting frustrated with it. The *only* advantage it has over my current laptop is the battery life. A MacBook Pro would solve that problem.

Thats the slow painful way...the proper way to scroll in a frame is to just use 2 fingers...
Correct, but I mentioned that way because he mentioned editing text, so I figured he wanted to scroll down to highlight something specific. But I guess the other way would be easier, regardless.

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