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Hi : Newbie here and already with a problem


iPF Noob

I wonder if some kind clever person could help me.

I've just bought and Ipad 4 - my first ever apple device (please don't laugh).
However my daughter has had an ipad nano for years.
When I set hers up years ago, I set up her apple id as my (current) email address not realising the impact of this.
Now I am going to change her apple id to her email address as she is older now.

But that means I believe I can't use my current email id as my apple id as it has already been used before.

So I am happy to set up a different apple id which is based on a sort of back up email id that I have.
But does that mean if I am doing any comms on my Ipad, people with think my email is the apple id I am logged into, and send me emails there, which is an id I dont check very often. Or is it possible to link my real email id to my new apple id?

Sorry if this makes no sense.

I am getting the ipad as a christmas present so I cant turn it on yet to try things out myself.


Your Apple ID is a separate entity from your actual e-mail address (where you receive mail). You don't even have to change it - you can keep the existing Apple ID and use it to buy things from Apple. it's just an account identifier that Apple uses (like a username). So, again, you can leave it as is.

Then, when you actually get your iPad4, you can still use that e-mail address as an actual e-mail address (you'll set it up on the iPad). It being an Apple ID will have no affect on it acting as a normal e-mail address.

Hope that clarifies. Holler back if it didn't...

Oh, and welcome to the forum! And don't worry, we all have to start somewhere. My first intro to Apple products was the iPod classic - didn't really get into Apple until the first iPad. So, here, you are in good company. :)

Your Apple ID is a separate entity from your actual e-mail address (where you receive mail). You don't even have to change it - you can keep the existing Apple ID and use it to buy things from Apple. it's just an account identifier that Apple uses (like a username). So, again, you can leave it as is.

Then, when you actually get your iPad4, you can still use that e-mail address as an actual e-mail address (you'll set it up on the iPad). It being an Apple ID will have no affect on it acting as a normal e-mail address.

Hope that clarifies. Holler back if it didn't...

Oh, and welcome to the forum! And don't worry, we all have to start somewhere. My first intro to Apple products was the iPod classic - didn't really get into Apple until the first iPad. So, here, you are in good company. :)


Really appreciate the reply. Thanks very much.
Unfortunately, as I suspected I have explained myself poorly.

Can I try again?

I won't use real details for now but let's suppose my real email address is aaa@email.com
This is the only one I use and I can't change this without lots of hassle.
Then my daughter's apple id is also aaa@email.com. So at the moment if we purchase something for her I get notified at this email.

Now I am going to change her apple id to her real email address - lets say thats bbb@email com. So if she buys something she will be notified instead of me.

I can set up a new apple id (which I need to do as I don't have one and cant share one with my daughter for various reasons), but I understand from apple that I can't use aaa@email.com as my apple id as it was previously used as an apple id by her.
So I can set up ccc@email.com as my new apple id.

But if I go into 'manage your apple id' I can't see a way of having ccc@email.com as my apple id, but setting aaa@email.com as my email address to be notified.

Again, thanks for taking the time to reply, and if your answer already answered this, then I am sorry but I don;t understand it... just me being new to this I think

You are correct - there is no way to have a new Apple ID, yet have it send email notices to your old Apple ID email. At least, after looking through a bunch of Apple FAQs, I couldn't find one. :)

However, one reassurance is that you won't have to use that new Apple ID as your regular email; you can still use your old email address to send messages (and receive them). The old Apple ID, that you are leaving for your daughter, will just be a username for Apple. It's not really an email address (well, other than Apple will send notices to it). It's just the log in

That email address (for the new Apple ID) can be set-up on your iPad so that any/all emails will show up on the iPad. You won't have to "make a special trip" to check that address for mail from Apple. The iPad can be set up to check for any mail in that new account whenever you open the Mail app on the iPad. So, there's one worry gone...

May I ask a question? Why not have keep your old Apple ID and you and your daughter share it to make purchases at the App Store? Apple's EULA says that family members can share apps. So, you can buy one version of an app on that Apple ID and then everyone can use it - you don't have to buy the app again. Saves money and makes it easier to manage (IMHO). You can set up the devices so that you only have what you want on your device while your daughter has what she wants on hers.

Does any of that make more sense (and answer your questions better)?

You are correct - there is no way to have a new Apple ID, yet have it send email notices to your old Apple ID email. At least, after looking through a bunch of Apple FAQs, I couldn't find one. :)

However, one reassurance is that you won't have to use that new Apple ID as your regular email; you can still use your old email address to send messages (and receive them). The old Apple ID, that you are leaving for your daughter, will just be a username for Apple. It's not really an email address (well, other than Apple will send notices to it). It's just the log in

That email address (for the new Apple ID) can be set-up on your iPad so that any/all emails will show up on the iPad. You won't have to "make a special trip" to check that address for mail from Apple. The iPad can be set up to check for any mail in that new account whenever you open the Mail app on the iPad. So, there's one worry gone...

May I ask a question? Why not have keep your old Apple ID and you and your daughter share it to make purchases at the App Store? Apple's EULA says that family members can share apps. So, you can buy one version of an app on that Apple ID and then everyone can use it - you don't have to buy the app again. Saves money and makes it easier to manage (IMHO). You can set up the devices so that you only have what you want on your device while your daughter has what she wants on hers.

Does any of that make more sense (and answer your questions better)?


Thanks very much Marilyn

I think I get it now.
So my current plan is this.
I will keep the existing apple id (rather than get a new one for her or me) which is the one on my dau's laptop itunes and has been used to buy all the music for her ipod nano (i.e. aaa@email.com in my above example)
This is also my current email id.
When we both open our ipads on Christmas day (hurray!), we will both set them up with this existing apple id.
So if she wants to put any of her old music on her ipad, she can connect it to her laptop and upload the songs she wants from itunes (I don't think she'll do much of this).
Otherwise I wasn't intending to connect our ipads to itunes for apps in general.
If there is a paid app that I want, but she doesn't, I log in to the app store on my ipad and buy it, but she doesn't download it.
If its the other way round, she logs into the app store on her ipad and buys it, but I don't download it.
If we both want it, I buy it on mine and it becomes available for her to get for free on hers (or vice versa).

If the above is correct, and one of us buys an app, which of the following would happen?
1. The app is automatically downloaded to the other device when they turn it on next (I hope this isn't the case)
2. The other person gets a notification that there has been a purchase on another device under the same account, and asks if them if they want to download it
3. The other person just has to know that it is now available, so they can go into the app store and get it for free if they want.

Really appreciate your time and help. Looking forward to my first venture into tablets and iOS.:)

Thanks very much Marilyn

I think I get it now.
So my current plan is this.
I will keep the existing apple id (rather than get a new one for her or me) which is the one on my dau's laptop itunes and has been used to buy all the music for her ipod nano (i.e. aaa@email.com in my above example)
This is also my current email id.
When we both open our ipads on Christmas day (hurray!), we will both set them up with this existing apple id.
So if she wants to put any of her old music on her ipad, she can connect it to her laptop and upload the songs she wants from itunes (I don't think she'll do much of this).
Otherwise I wasn't intending to connect our ipads to itunes for apps in general.
If there is a paid app that I want, but she doesn't, I log in to the app store on my ipad and buy it, but she doesn't download it.
If its the other way round, she logs into the app store on her ipad and buys it, but I don't download it.
If we both want it, I buy it on mine and it becomes available for her to get for free on hers (or vice versa).

If the above is correct, and one of us buys an app, which of the following would happen?
1. The app is automatically downloaded to the other device when they turn it on next (I hope this isn't the case)
2. The other person gets a notification that there has been a purchase on another device under the same account, and asks if them if they want to download it
3. The other person just has to know that it is now available, so they can go into the app store and get it for free if they want.

Really appreciate your time and help. Looking forward to my first venture into tablets and iOS.:)


It sounds as if you've got a plan (and oh, won't you both be having fun on Christmas day with both of you getting iPads! :)).

If you set the iPads up so that you have Automatic Downloads turned OFF (it'll be in your Settings app, under the "iTunes & App Stores" tab), then your number three scenario will be the one that applies for you two. You two can use your Apple ID (and password) to download stuff - yet the other doesn't have to put it on their iPad.

If I may be so bold as to offer up two [more] suggestions:

(1) You both can have a version of iTunes on your own computer. As long as its authorized under the Apple ID you will share, then you can use iTunes to manage your purchases and such. You each will sync the iPad to your own computer (and remember, once it's synced to an iTunes/computer, you don't want to sync it to another - makes things hard to keep straight). The good thing is that you won't have her music in your iTunes (unless you want) and vice versa. But, with your own iTunes/computer, you each can manage your iPad how you wish.

(2) I suggest using two iTunes because I do recommend you use iTunes in conjunction with your apps, even if it is to Have the iTunes be a storage bin for your apps. I, personally, only use my iTunes to make a backup for my iPad. These backups contain all the settings, app data, etc. for your iPad. Yes, iTunes gets a bad rep (and, it's deserved, mostly). But, it's still the best iPad management tool out there. Even if you only sync it once, it'll will benefit you in the long run, should you ever need a computer to "fix" an issue with the iPad.

Of course, you two can share just one iTunes/computer. iTunes will know which iPad is connected, so you still won't have to mix up apps and songs and such (this is how I manage my mom's and my iPads). Yes, I know that Apple says you won't need a computer or iTunes to run the iPad. And that's true. But, having a synced iTunes for your iPad may be an invaluable "just in case" option. And, trust me, after 2+ years of reading this forum - I know! :)

So, you're ready to go. Now - all you have to do is wait for Christmas! :D You can hang out here and we'll keep you company in that long wait. And, of course, we'll be here after you've opened your new shiny should you develop more questions. Have fun...

It sounds as if you've got a plan (and oh, won't you both be having fun on Christmas day with both of you getting iPads! :)).

If you set the iPads up so that you have Automatic Downloads turned OFF (it'll be in your Settings app, under the "iTunes & App Stores" tab), then your number three scenario will be the one that applies for you two. You two can use your Apple ID (and password) to download stuff - yet the other doesn't have to put it on their iPad.

If I may be so bold as to offer up two [more] suggestions:

(1) You both can have a version of iTunes on your own computer. As long as its authorized under the Apple ID you will share, then you can use iTunes to manage your purchases and such. You each will sync the iPad to your own computer (and remember, once it's synced to an iTunes/computer, you don't want to sync it to another - makes things hard to keep straight). The good thing is that you won't have her music in your iTunes (unless you want) and vice versa. But, with your own iTunes/computer, you each can manage your iPad how you wish.

(2) I suggest using two iTunes because I do recommend you use iTunes in conjunction with your apps, even if it is to Have the iTunes be a storage bin for your apps. I, personally, only use my iTunes to make a backup for my iPad. These backups contain all the settings, app data, etc. for your iPad. Yes, iTunes gets a bad rep (and, it's deserved, mostly). But, it's still the best iPad management tool out there. Even if you only sync it once, it'll will benefit you in the long run, should you ever need a computer to "fix" an issue with the iPad.

Of course, you two can share just one iTunes/computer. iTunes will know which iPad is connected, so you still won't have to mix up apps and songs and such (this is how I manage my mom's and my iPads). Yes, I know that Apple says you won't need a computer or iTunes to run the iPad. And that's true. But, having a synced iTunes for your iPad may be an invaluable "just in case" option. And, trust me, after 2+ years of reading this forum - I know! :)

So, you're ready to go. Now - all you have to do is wait for Christmas! :D You can hang out here and we'll keep you company in that long wait. And, of course, we'll be here after you've opened your new shiny should you develop more questions. Have fun...


Thanks again. I'm sure I'll have more questions. Only thing I need now is how to get through the next month....
So I've realised I have another question...

If my daughter and I share a single apple id, it sounds great because we may have apps that we both want but only have to buy it once.
But as far as iCloud is concerned, doesn't that mean everything would be both synced and backed up from both devices?
We wouldn't want to be sharing files across the machines, but also, wouldn't it mean we would have less iCloud space. e.g. if my daughter was to create load of photos or docs on her ipad, they would back up to the cloud which would mean I would have less space on the cloud for my device?


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