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How can I play wmv files on ipad2 from gmail

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A lot of people have had success with the app OPlayer HD. You can download/install a Lite version to see if it works for you, then it's $4.99, USD for the upgrade to the Pro version. There are many others, but I can verify that this app has never failed to open any videos I got via e-mail, to include .wmv files.

Good luck.

Even myself I tried it but its still not working .....any suggestions?

In the Mail app, in the e-mail, press and hold the .wmv file. It should give you a little "Open In..." popup. OpLayer HD should be one of the apps you a offered (you may have to scroll in the list to see OPlayer HD. Press the line and OPlayer should then open and start playing your video.

That should do it, holler if you need more or if OPlayer doesn't "behave."

Sorry, I hold my finger on the .wmv file, but nothing "pops up". It goes grey but after awhile it goes back to white – nothing ever pops up, no choice to "open in".
Sorry, I hold my finger on the .wmv file, but nothing "pops up". It goes grey but after awhile it goes back to white – nothing ever pops up, no choice to "open in".

When you first get the e-mail (that has the .wmv file in it), does the wmv file have a dotted or a solid box around it? If its a dotted line, it means the file is not fully downloaded to your iPad. So, you have to tap it to get it to download ( you should see the numbers change as it downloads). Then, once the outline is a solid line, you can do the tap and hold...

If you already have a solid line, then I'm afraid I don't know what might be wrong. It's stock iOS behavior to get that popup when you press the attachment - IF you have a compatible app to open it. Could you have someone send you a different wmv file? Maybe there is something wrong or "off" about the one you received. Because, as far as I know, OPlayer HD (even the Lite version) should have no trouble opening a wmv file. So, maybe it's the file...

If all else fails, maybe try a restart of your iPad (hold the sleep button until get the "slide to power off" bar, turn it off, then turn it back on). That helps a lot of issues.

Sorry I can't be of better help.

The file was "dotted". I clicked on it, but it would not load, so I recent the message and this time it is "solid". I could then open in OPlayer HD.

Oh, good. Glad it worked out for you in the end. And, thanks for the update. Always nice to hear back on the success stories! :)

If the WMV file attached with email are DRMed, there will be no way to open it on iPad device, unless remove the DRM for iPad.
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