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How digitally sign PDFs on iPad

pdf-notes free for ipad

pdf-notes free for ipad is very good. PDFs can be imported/exported through iTunes. And the writing looks natural enough. Though, there is that one bug which they promise to fix soon: erased annotations show in other viewers. But if you just clear all annotations at once and start over then it works fine.
I already had iAnnotate and while it's great for annotations, it didn't do what I really wanted, which was to sign and date contracts sent to me as PDFs then send the signed documents back (not as annotations to the original, but as a "flattened" new PDF). I took a chance on PDF Forms and it did exactly what I wanted! It doesn't have all the annotation bells and whistles of iAnnotate, so I'll still use iAnnotate for markups and document reviews, but for CONTRACTS, PDF Forms is awesome. Note that it does not electronically sign documents, it's basically a paper signature without the print, sign and scan steps.
Does anyone know of a program that can watch you draw a signature and then play it back as a once only gif? That would be awesome.
mortium said:
Does anyone know of a program that can watch you draw a signature and then play it back as a once only gif? That would be awesome.

I would not let anyone record my signature for playback.

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