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How do I actually use I cloud?????


iPF Novice
There is no app to get to open to use iCloud . ...or is there ??????
I had a good conversation with Twerppoet not long ago , and although we were discussing apps . It occurred to me that I've never used my iCloud drive like you would
in a opening of an app for productivity, or a utilities app and I cloud is basically just that. So I researched to some fruitless degree and found a website that says Apple Store has an app and it's free ........ Bull hockey. I am aware of apps that allow you to
Convert and save but is there any app that allows you to use I cloud in a productivity
Way ......I found one only it's not available for this country ,.......
Any way ...... Oh thanks Twerppoet for showing me the easier way on some other issues, you are I good sir.....!!!
iCloud is mainly meant for syncing and backup, and partially also as an online storage. There's no app for this.
Some of it's content can be accessed online (browser) when you login with your iCloud details in www.icloud.com. You'll find your calendar events added through iCloud, emails, contacts saved to the iCloud account, Pages, Keynotes and Numbers (all of them beta, afaik), and iCloud Photo Library Beta, if you use it. There's also iCloud Drive, with the apps you connected to it, and a few other features.

Here's more information about iCloud Drive:
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Hey hey ,hey .... Thanks , JA . Ummm yeah so I like thought that but ,
my curiosity began to elude me from uncertainty to there has to be an app for this ...... And expectations led me to these crazy sights that show an app for this only is not in this country..... Thanks for liberating me from my own persist stance to a dead ends .. You have reassured me and mist helpful ......

Aw heck , I jest noticed ..... You are from Austria ....WOW ....so many Q's but will leave it alone ....thank you.
Hahahuhuhu, funny thing J.A. ,,,,I went to a Chinese restaurant like a week ago and my fortune cookie said the exact same thing as the ,
quote on the bottom of your pages.. Huhuhaha
Hey hey ,hey .... Thanks , JA . Ummm yeah so I like thought that but ,
my curiosity began to elude me from uncertainty to there has to be an app for this ...... And expectations led me to these crazy sights that show an app for this only is not in this country..... Thanks for liberating me from my own persist stance to a dead ends .. You have reassured me and mist helpful ......

Aw heck , I jest noticed ..... You are from Austria ....WOW ....so many Q's but will leave it alone ....thank you.
There was an app which was updated in 2013 for the last time, which you might have found when searching for iCloud Drive. It was not from Apple, though. As iCloud Drive is a feature added by Apple, I'd expect an app like this from Apple and no one else, or I wouldn't trust it.
A little (lot) more information about iCloud.

iCloud is actually a collection of related services: syncing, backups, document storage, iTunes Match, and more. iCloud Drive is the newest of these services. Here are the FAQ links I've collected on the various parts. It's not complete, and I haven't reviewed them recently to make sure they are current, but if you care to read it all you'll get a pretty good overview of what iCloud does.

My iCloud related links (in no logical order).

iCloud Drive FAQ:

iCloud Photo Library (beta) FAQ:

iCloud Overview

iCloud Support Site

Apple IDs and iCloud

Troubleshooting iCloud Bookmarks

iCloud: Backup and restore overview

How to setup iCloud

iTunes Match: How it works

Photo Stream FAQ

Shared Photo Stream FAQ (Renamed to iCloud Photo Sharing)

iCloud security and privacy overview

iCloud Keychain FAQ
This is good , I can see two of the links you have that I know absolutely nothing about.. I am familiar with the what it does , and know it's
a a great and strict type of info gathering app or service that apple offers.
But I guess I was curious about a way to see it in action . Like. Example :
Apple' s new I cloud app., Open app and see all your data , doc.s
Photo s. ...backups..etc .everthing ....IN THE CLOUD .... like a visual of what is going on in the CLOUD ......AND customize some features for the style or type that. The user wants ., not what apple wants , and then does,... but you don't know because you can't see it . ,,,,, Sorta like
Info hangin around some where ... Waiting for some action .. Just hanging......
As Johanna said, there is no iCloud Drive app. The old iCloud app is from the early days of iOS and no longer works. You can't even find it in the app store.

You can see what's in iCloud Drive, but it happens inside an app; almost any app that has iCloud Drive support, when and where it makes sense (or sometimes not).

Here is what it looks like if you choose to Send a Copy in Pages, select your format, then Send to... from the available actions. Why they didn't name it something sensible like Send to iCloud Drive, I have no idea.


And here is the result of a Workflow action I have on my home screen. It lets me peak into the iCloud Drive folders and get a preview of the files that are there. So I can check things out quickly without opening and digging through some other apps' menu.


I can also send a file to another app from here. Workflow is a really handy app; though for some reason not every folder is available. The faint, faded ones, don't open. :)
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Well this is exactly what I was hoping to find . But is this the actual cloud
We are backing and Apple is using same ,or is this an app,that your files
Or saved data Is down loaded to and simulates some arranged configuration that is readable to the user, in a Cloud formed type of simulation that apple isn't even connected to, , do you have to use your
Apple ID and password ,to open and use ???
What is the name of that app ? I tried what you you called it
But not available in App Store?'

Workflow is that the way it's spelled , and is that the app I want?
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I don't know about the App Store .,itttss ,,sorta like they are disorganized
Umm like the potatoe chips are in theeeeee laundry detergent aisle. It's like if I were searching for an app that is suppose to be in utilities , . And all the other app stores see this app as a utility , along with a billion
mass of people .... App Store sometimes lists it different and it's tucked away some where that if one doesnt apply the molecular structure of cold fusion to the mapping it out you would do better if you closed your
Eyes and pointed a finger on the list and go from there......
Twerppoet I tried typing The word. Workflow in the search bar but apple sent back not available , so in a half hour I tried the AppStore,again Not available

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