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How do I transfer PDF files from one iPad to another?


iPF Noob
I already tried iCloud.
It didn't work.
I tried Dropbox.
It didn't work.
Same with other online resources.
The 1st gen iPad can't be upgraded enough to use them.

I tried the kindle app, but it only wants to transfer files you purchased from Amazon. None of my stuff came from Amazon.

I have a 1st gen iPad, and need to transfer my tax return forms to my new 4th gen iPad. iCloud will not take my PDFs.

I don't have a desktop or laptop, just the two iPads. I bought a camera adapter kit, so I was able to get my photos copied, but I also want to get my books and documents onto the new iPad.
How are you trying to send them. You can't attach files directly in the Mail app, but most apps have the option to email documents directly from within the app. iBooks currently has that option, but only for PDF files. I don't remember when it was added, so it's possible you can't; but it's worth looking into.

If I remember correctly (doubtful) the PDF has to be open before you'll see the share icon/option.

If you have them in a different app, it's even more likely. It's always been a very common feature.

If the issue is the size (since you mentioned providers), I don't know what to say. Both Gmail and iCloud's mail services will handle some fairly large files.
Here's a screenshot of an open PDF in iBooks on my iPhone. It clearly shows the option to email the PDF.
Thanks for the heads up twerppoet.
But that is the current version of iOS. The question is whether the feature was included in the iOS 5.1.1; which is the most that the OP's iPad 1 could be running. I think it was there, but I don't' remember for sure.
But that is the current version of iOS. The question is whether the feature was included in the iOS 5.1.1; which is the most that the OP's iPad 1 could be running. I think it was there, but I don't' remember for sure.
You're correct; my mistake. I just checked iBooks on my iPad 1 and you were right about the ability to email PDF's from iBooks on an iPad 1 running iOS 5.1.1.
Hopefully your problem has been resolved. If not, a possibility, if you have a Windows PC, is to try syncios (free) on the PC. I used this initially for backups and I recall it exported books, pdfs, etc. in their original form. (itunes backups store them in a more inaccessible way, IIRC.)
I'll try the email option in iBooks again.

NSquirrel, I no longer have a PC. We don't have air conditioning and the hard drive melted a few summers ago when our house was over 100* inside.
High temp!

Could you print the files? (Assuming a printer would not like 100 either, but perhaps a friend, or even a friendly shop may be able to print the files for you.) I assume a hard copy, which could be scanned, may be better than nothing.

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