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How do i un jailbreak my ipad?

The above posts are correct, however just pressing the "update" button in iTunes will leave the JB files on your iPad, they just won't be visible or operate. I'm guessing that is not what you want.

You should sync with iTunes, then press "restore" which will install 4.3.4 stock IOS, then when this is complete it will prompt you to "set up as new" or "restore from backup". You should then choose "restore from backup" which will get all your apps, settings, and media back on the device MINUS the JB files (as these are not backed up by iTunes). Just leave the iPad connected to iTunes during this process. It will re-boot in between and then re-sync everything back the way it should be.

Hope that helps.
f4780y said:
The above posts are correct, however just pressing the "update" button in iTunes will leave the JB files on your iPad, they just won't be visible or operate. I'm guessing that is not what you want.

You should sync with iTunes, then press "restore" which will install 4.3.4 stock IOS, then when this is complete it will prompt you to "set up as new" or "restore from backup". You should then choose "restore from backup" which will get all your apps, settings, and media back on the device MINUS the JB files (as these are not backed up by iTunes). Just leave the iPad connected to iTunes during this process. It will re-boot in between and then re-sync everything back the way it should be.

Hope that helps.

Oh, thanks for the clarification... Didn't know about that...

VicoPad addict!
The above posts are correct, however just pressing the "update" button in iTunes will leave the JB files on your iPad, they just won't be visible or operate. I'm guessing that is not what you want.

You should sync with iTunes, then press "restore" which will install 4.3.4 stock IOS, then when this is complete it will prompt you to "set up as new" or "restore from backup". You should then choose "restore from backup" which will get all your apps, settings, and media back on the device MINUS the JB files (as these are not backed up by iTunes). Just leave the iPad connected to iTunes during this process. It will re-boot in between and then re-sync everything back the way it should be.

Hope that helps.

If I back it up after I jail broke it, will cydia be backed up too? Because I don't want cydia and I don't want to lose my games
Un-jailbreaking problems on an Ipad2

y son listened to my brother, yesterday, and allowed his Ipad2 to be jailbroke. My son wasn't happy with it (many of his songs no longer would play), so he went to his Ipad and selected the restore option. That was last night, around 10pm (Sunday). It is now Monday morning, around 6:30am and his Ipad still appears to be working on restoring. What do I need to do? Should I just let the battery die or is there a reset button on the Pad itself? He did not update the software before using restore, simply because the software was already up to date. Thank you for any help you can offer me!!
y son listened to my brother, yesterday, and allowed his Ipad2 to be jailbroke. My son wasn't happy with it (many of his songs no longer would play), so he went to his Ipad and selected the restore option. That was last night, around 10pm (Sunday). It is now Monday morning, around 6:30am and his Ipad still appears to be working on restoring. What do I need to do? Should I just let the battery die or is there a reset button on the Pad itself? He did not update the software before using restore, simply because the software was already up to date. Thank you for any help you can offer me!!

The "Reset all content and settings" option which your son probably used should not be done on a jailbroken iPad.

You need to use iTunes to restore the device. Plug it into the PC and hold both the home and power buttons together for 30 seconds until the "connect to iTunes" graphic is displayed on the screen. Then, once iTunes recognises the device in recovery mode, press the "restore" button in iTunes. It should then restore the iPad for you.

If you still can't get that to work, follow the steps in this guide as a last resort - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

Also, whilst I appreciate you are past that point now, there is absolutely no reason why a newly jailbroken iPad will refuse to play any music which already played on it before. Jailbraking does not prevent you from using any of the features of the iPad. It was perhaps something he installed after the jailbreak...
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Do my apps which i downloaded from xxxxxxxxx get deleted as well when i restore my ipad 2 5.0.1?

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Do my apps which i downloaded from installous get deleted as well when i restore my ipad 2 5.0.1?

Yes, I'm very pleased to say you will lose all the apps you have illegally stolen. Please read our rules before posting again...

Reminder - Rule 15
Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. This also includes discussion of illegally obtaining media such as music, movies, games, books or other copyrighted content.

Piracy is illegal and the staff of iPadForums.net neither supports or condones it in any way. Jailbreaking and hacking is not an excuse to steal or pirate software!

Discussions, links, and sharing of any piracy related topics, apps, repositories, etc., will be deleted and the member will receive a warning which may lead to a ban.

Please review all our forum rules here
ipad 1 unjailbreak

i have an iPad 1, 3g, with 4.3.3 jailbreak.
Apparently it only has blobs registered for 4.3.3 and 4.3.5.
Baseband is 7.11

In another forum they told me I cannot upgrade to 5.0.1, but I think they interpreted that I wanted to jailbreak to 5.0.1
While i was trying to do that, i always get the 3194 error. Even deleting the gs.apple.com line from the HOSTS file, I get that.

I do not want jailbreak, i want it with regular apple firmware, but iOS 5.

Can I safely restore to iOS 5.1, or there is some risk that I brick it?

You can safely restore the iPad to iOS 5.1.

As your iPad1 is already jail broken, the easiest way to do this is to follow the steps outlined in this tutorial: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=52863

If you follow all the steps, at the end you will have your iPad safely on and running the newest iOS.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

i am trying to un jail break my ipad 2 i backed up my ipad then hit the restore button now my ipad has had the spinning circle on the screen now for an hour.. how long does this take.. i am not tech savy so i am not sure what to do now help plz... thanks

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