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How Do I Update my iPad's Software?


iPF Noob
I downloaded several apps into iTunes and then tried to sych them to my iPad. I get this message that says no can do because my iPad needs a newer version of iPad software. This is interesting, since I only bought the iPad several weeks ago. However . . .

At present, my iPad tells me the version is 3.2.2 (7B500). If this isn't the most current version, what is, and how do I download it?

Please note: you are dealing with a technically challenged person here, so please provide a step by step if possible, i.e., "you can do it in iTunes," won't do the job, at least not for this old boy.
Plug into iTunes and click on update software.

Now, see, David - this is precisely what I was talking about when I mentioned that I am technically challenged.

"Plug into iTunes and click on update software." I can plug into iTunes. Where do I find Update software? Should the iPad be connected when I am doing all this (I assume it should).

Is it going to update my iTunes software or my iPad software? I need the latter.

Could you (or someone) be a tad more specific, por favor? But thanks very much for the comeback you gave me. Hopefully, we can add a bit to it.
Thanks all. Actually, when I open iTunes with the Pad plugged in, it offers an Update iPad Software button right out there in front of God and everybody. I clicked on it. I get a message that, before I can download the iPad update, I have to update iTunes. So I'm doing that now. Stay tuned . . .
I think you guys will get a kick out of this . . .

There are two programs I have fought for YEARS to keep off of my computer: Quick Time and the Google Tool Bar. Today, I lost the Quick Time battle. The boogers snuck it on there, bundled with my iTunes upgrade, and never (that I ever saw) gave me a chance to say no. Grrrrrrr. But I continue to fight the Google Tool Bar!

Next: iTunes is now upgraded, after about HALF AN HOUR of download b.s. I have never seen ANYTHING that takes that long to download. You could read War and Peace in the time it takes that sucker to get on there.

So, now I am in the process of upgrading my iPad software. It says that is going to take about half an hour.

Hmmmmm . . .

Anyway, thanks to both of you guys - you did get me on the right track, I think.
LOL that was entertaining reading PDMIKE thanks! I hope the update goes well for you. You'll find a lot of help here so if you don't get the specific answer you want just keep asking someone will come along to explain further as these guys did. :)
How come you don't like Google, Mike? I must use it 100x a day!

Oh, I love Google. It's my home page, for goodness sakes. I'll Google before doing a lot of other things, if you get my drift.

But everybody in the world wants you to throw their tool bar on top of your browser. If you put them all up there, you would have about an inch of viewing space below all of them.

I can Google without their tool bar being there, thank you very much.
OK - Good News! iTunes: upgraded. iPad: upgraded. I am now able to (and have) put all kinds of exotic apps onto my iPad. It took the better part of one hour to upgrade iTunes and the Pad, but I finally got her done.

Thanks again to all who chipped in!
I think you guys will get a kick out of this . . .

There are two programs I have fought for YEARS to keep off of my computer: Quick Time and the Google Tool Bar. Today, I lost the Quick Time battle. The boogers snuck it on there, bundled with my iTunes upgrade, and never (that I ever saw) gave me a chance to say no. Grrrrrrr. But I continue to fight the Google Tool Bar!

Next: iTunes is now upgraded, after about HALF AN HOUR of download b.s. I have never seen ANYTHING that takes that long to download. You could read War and Peace in the time it takes that sucker to get on there.

So, now I am in the process of upgrading my iPad software. It says that is going to take about half an hour.

Hmmmmm . . .

Anyway, thanks to both of you guys - you did get me on the right track, I think.

You have to remember that you're downloading the new operating system upgrade. Lots of data being loaded. Regular syncs and such won't take near as long.
I wouldn't mine the Google tool bar, I'm the worst speller and that spell check is a saver for me..plus fat fingers and hitting the number button doesn't help.:)

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