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How do I...


iPF Noob
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Paste a podcast link into I tunes so i can play it back on my Ipad? How do I play it. I have never used the I tunes portion of the pad. I've never done anything with music. What I'm trying to do is save links to conference calls that have been saved as podcasts.
As far as I am aware, this is not possible. To be able to play your podcast you either have to upload the audio file to the iPad using iTunes or, as I have done in the past, upload the audio file to the Apple cloud server MobileMe and use their iDisk facility. When the audio file is on iDisk you can then stream it to your iPad and play it from within the iPad's iDisk app (which you get when you subscribe to MobileMe). This saves you having to store the audio file on your iPad but does mean that you need to be on-line to play it.


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