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How do you feel about Apple collecting locations and other data from your device?

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fuzzyfelts said:
If you are a law abiding citizen and do no wrong (to the best of your ability), what's the problem? I'm not at all bothered either way.
iPads are sold in other countries, so where did you get the idea that nazi Gestapo styled espionage is acceptable all over the world with such economic competition lol, would you feel safer is Russia also shared all your info?, China, are you a law abiding citizen, Would you arrest a politician in Washington if he pledged to serve your country but rather works for another.?

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f4780y said:
Less than 24 hours after this "scandal" went public (I personally have no problem with the location history, by the way), the Jailbreaking community has once again stepped up to the plate and a free tweak is avaialble in Cydia which continuously clears the offending log...

Its called "untrackerd" and is available from the standard BigBoss repo.

Fuzzyfelt might call the cops on you for jail breaking so beware, he is a law abiding citizen, which country who knows

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Anti-apple pundits ...learn the truth ... stop the FUD

Read This:

The purpose of this is offline GPS. Normally, each cell tower has an identifier and Core Location sends that identifier to Apple and asks for the lat/lon for that tower. This requires a data connection, and the use of data. Since cell towers don't move, however, it's inefficient to keep going back to Apple for that information so they cache it. Now if a tower appears with the same ID as the cache, tada! you have a cache hit and a faster fix with no data use. Which also means you can get a "coarse location" (as in rough) if you are near known towers and don't have a data connection.
That's all this is. It's a cache of identifiers (cell and wifi), locations, and their age (it's a cache, after all). Someone made the decision to never clean it out so they would have more and more information about those GPS "assists" (you know, A-GPS) and so they'd use less and less power and data over time for the places you frequent. It's a great idea, technically.
Practically, yes, you can track location over time. The file is readable only by root and you're free to encrypt your backups for now. I'm sure Apple will either encrypt the file or truncate the data in a future update (I would prefer encryption as I think it's technically sound, but I know many will disagree). I'm also sure someone is considering a toggle for the feature or a button to clear the database. Both are great ideas.
This isn't nefarious, this isn't being sent anywhere, and this isn't as bad as everyone is making it. This is a real feature with a major oversight. That's it.
Put your pitchforks down and please spread the word. Thanks.

How Apple tracks your location without consent, and why it matters : technology

Thank you for this clarifying explanation. This ought to be a sticky for a while so that everyone can wake up and quit the FUD.
SkyStudio said:
Fuzzyfelt might call the cops on you for jail breaking so beware, he is a law abiding citizen, which country who knows

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF

Sorry, in which country is jailbreaking expressly illegal? :)
madhatter61 said:
Thank you for this clarifying explanation. This ought to be a sticky for a while so that everyone can wake up and quit the FUD.

Apple has a court date and has to show who they shared this information with, companies can be toppled with such information, costing them millions, ., if found guilty it's a federal offense to spy on citizens with out their knowledge to what the information is for or who, the crime is already done because before apple put it in small print they collected and sold it last year, so....

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Considering how important online privacy is becoming, I'm guessing Apple will put out a fix to this issue, perhaps either automatically encrypting the file in the backup process or simply not backing it up at all.

For those that want a bit more security, you can choose to encrypt your backups by plugging in your iphone/ipad and clicking on the device in itunes. The encrypt backup option will appear as one of the options.
When you signed up to iTunes you didn't read the small print....we've all agreed to let Apple track our locations....

Buried in the small print is...

■ We may collect information such as occupation, language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, location, and the time zone where an Apple product is used so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising.


If someone at Apple is tracking where I go and what websites I visit, they would most likely be bored to tears (except for IPF of course!).
SweetPoison said:

Last year iTunes did not have this in writing at all, either did google or facebook, which is why they had been sued for, paying the fines must of been worth it for google and facebook, since they served the interests of corporate scum

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My understanding is that Apple's not "collecting" anything. Its a file on YOUR GPS device. I find all the hysteria amusing because if you have a Facebook account, your "privacy" has already been violated. Or, how about those targeted ads through Google?

If you want to be Polly/Paul Paranoia, never go online or make a cell phone call.

Aspasia said:
My understanding is that Apple's not "collecting" anything. Its a file on YOUR GPS device. I find all the hysteria amusing because if you have a Facebook account, your "privacy" has already been violated. Or, how about those targeted ads through Google?

If you want to be Polly/Paul Paranoia, never go online or make a cell phone call.


Incorrect, apple already Collected, sold and confirmed to show up in court for doing it with out the publics consent last year, this is just a fraction of what they are going to court for, remote desktop, eves dropping and other remote features where also used to. Monitor users., we will have to wait to see more about it., I'll look for the link, maybe you guys can find it before I get back to the desk top, I'm in a car

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Aspasia said:
My understanding is that Apple's not "collecting" anything. Its a file on YOUR GPS device. I find all the hysteria amusing because if you have a Facebook account, your "privacy" has already been violated. Or, how about those targeted ads through Google?

If you want to be Polly/Paul Paranoia, never go online or make a cell phone call.


My thoughts exactly. You can not usebancredit card either. They are using that data as well. Don't give your zipcode when visiting Disneyland, etc. etc.

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JJK said:
My thoughts exactly. You can not usebancredit card either. They are using that data as well. Don't give your zipcode when visiting Disneyland, etc. etc.

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At least Google admitted their nasty habits and of backing up 6TB of router data across Europe, collecting logins of emails, bank accounts, anything they could get while ignoring the EUs demands to present the exact devices used mathing the hardware ID, they held that out for a few more months while collecting data as well and even presenting a different device which is why they got the fines.

Google people say they have the dirt on everyone, they trace IPs on any site and say they can see who is really who and I would not be surprised if that gives them allot of leverage over other idiots who do the me thing.

I do not believe that it's normal to spy on others, I can't see why anyone would, why keep money around at all if your going to leave your keys right, I'm sure you agree, I doubt you like been ripped off

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From the day we are born, data is being collected about us; parent's names, date of birth, address, eye and hair colour, national insurance number, health insurance or national health number the list goes on and on and on. All of this data has been spread around and there is no way anyone can ever know where it is, who is seeing it or take it back.
Why then do people get so panicky about something as menial as gps data in their phone? It's utterly ridiculous. People like this clearly have no sense of risk levels in data protection and frankly should find something better to worry about.
They are probably the kind of people who complain to the local authority because they don't like the colour their neighbour has painted the front door.
Do they have any idea how much data is transferred about them on a daily basis that they are totally unaware of? Banks, government, hospitals, supermarkets (you really think those loyalty cards are for YOUR benefit?!).
The newspapers love these suckers.
terry610246 said:
From the day we are born, data is being collected about us; parent's names, date of birth, address, eye and hair colour, national insurance number, health insurance or national health number the list goes on and on and on. All of this data has been spread around and there is no way anyone can ever know where it is, who is seeing it or take it back.
Why then do people get so panicky about something as menial as gps data in their phone? It's utterly ridiculous. People like this clearly have no sense of risk levels in data protection and frankly should find something better to worry about.
They are probably the kind of people who complain to the local authority because they don't like the colour their neighbour has painted the front door.
Do they have any idea how much data is transferred about them on a daily basis that they are totally unaware of? Banks, government, hospitals, supermarkets (you really think those loyalty cards are for YOUR benefit?!).
The newspapers love these suckers.

Not bank accounts, logins, all your emails, activity and chats, that my friend is a federal offense

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
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