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how fast is your 3g

I'd love to answer this post but upon first booting my 3G iPad today, I discovered that the only coverage in my home is 2 bars of putrid edge. This is the first at&t device i have owned and according to at&t's map, i should have 3g. I'm not gonna sign up for the 3G until I do some traveling later in the month.
Mine is about 100K down and 50K up. But I live the MFN (middle of freakin nowhere) and I want the 3G as a backup when I'm not on wifi.
On Friday I was MFN (Middle of Freaking Nowhere (love that one DavidNM :)) and I was just getting Edge speed (and thankful for that :). I tried the Speedtest X HD app, but it was working too slowly, so I gave up.

Yesterday I was out on a bike path and I was getting 3G. I ran Speedtest again and got 2.13MB, which is faster then I get a home on my cable modem!
From Orange County, Californai, here are my speeds using Time Warner cable modem in an Airport Extreme Base Station wireless network:

Connection Type: Download: Upload:
WiFi 5801 Kbps. 983 Kbps
AT&T 3G (5 bars). 733 Kbps. 25 Kbps
EDGE (Tmobile MyWi). 79 Kbps. 95 Kbps

Odd that the EDGE connection has faster upload speed than the 3G connection. Either way, I would need to be REALLY in need of an Internet connection and outside an area AT&t serves if I decided to use my MyWi connection on my unlocked/jail broken iPhone.
From Orange County, Californai, here are my speeds using Time Warner cable modem in an Airport Extreme Base Station wireless network:

Connection Type: Download: Upload:
WiFi 5801 Kbps. 983 Kbps
AT&T 3G (5 bars). 733 Kbps. 25 Kbps
EDGE (Tmobile MyWi). 79 Kbps. 95 Kbps

Odd that the EDGE connection has faster upload speed than the 3G connection. Either way, I would need to be REALLY in need of an Internet connection and outside an area AT&t serves if I decided to use my MyWi connection on my unlocked/jail broken iPhone.

Great info! Is tmobile mywi running 3G?
Great info! Is tmobile mywi running 3G?

Unfortunately Tmobile has chosen a different radio band for their 3G service, so best the iPhone can do is EDGE.

MyWi is a hack that you can load via Cydia to turn your iPhone into a WiFi hot spot. You'll need to jailbreak your iPhone to install and use it.
Great info! Is tmobile mywi running 3G?

Unfortunately Tmobile has chosen a different radio band for their 3G service, so best the iPhone can do is EDGE.

MyWi is a hack that you can load via Cydia to turn your iPhone into a WiFi hot spot. You'll need to jailbreak your iPhone to install and use it.

Oh ok, my wife has a company BB Bold with Tmobile and it gets 3G service so I wasn't sure if your iPhone did or not. Thanks for the info.
3G iPad:

AT&T 3G 609kbps down 52kbps up
WiFi 16547 kbps down 6701kbps up

Nexus One Tether (T-Mobile)
846kbps down 754kbps up

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