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How long does it take to back up your iPad?

The does not appear to be a "quick fix" for this, but anecdotal evidence points to apps that download a lot of data. The Zinio magazine app seems to be one of the worst offenders from what I have read.

I know this doesn't help, but I don't have any apps of this type and it takes less than a minute to back up my iPad with about 10gb worth of stuff on it (music, videos, books, etc.)
Seems like it takes FOREVER to back up my iPad when I sync mine. I mean forever: like 45 min. And I have a measly 16GB, of which about 2GB is free. Is it my computer? Or is this normal?

Also, is there a way to tell iTunes NOT to back up my iPad when it syncs? I mean, it seems like backing up is something I might need to do only once every three times I sync.

Dode? 45 minutes is a blessing. I've had the 3G iPhone - the 3Gs - the iTouch - the iPhone 4 and now the iPad and not one of them backs up in less than 4 to 10 hours. I have super high speed internet; super fast PC; and no more than half the storage on any device full - yet that's how long it takes. It's plain and simple. iTUNES SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's totally worthless. I've spent hours on the phone with Apple techs and their full of crap - telling you theirs only takes minutes and on and on. iTunes needs to be exterminated. ASnd I could care less what anyone else counters: iTunes is a complete joke and pitiful operation. And their weekly uopdates in versions?? OMMMGGG they have to go.
Once A Week I back up my ipad

Prior to the new iTunes version released yesterday, my back up took 20 minutes. I installed the new iTunes version, did another back up and it took 10 minutes.

When I bought my iPad I had a WinXP desktop and a laptop. They were the latest and greatest when I bought them 5 years ago. I used my winxp laptop to initialize my iPad and do all the Apple recommended registrations. After I finished that process, Apple recommended I back up and synch. At that time my iPad had NOTHING on it. That process took two hours.

I began to populate my iPad with apps, pictures, books, etc., I dreaded backing up my iPad because it was such a long process. I went to Best Buy and discussed this process with an Apple guy at the store. He understood, and recommended I buy an Apple laptop or desktop. I declined--I wasn't all that happy to invest more money into Apple. So he suggested buying a Win7 PC. That I did buy, got it home, and started setting up my new laptop. Eventually, I got iTunes on it and started my backup and synch routine.

This process went from a two hour process to 20 minutes to 10 minutes.
My back up took 20 to 25 minutes. I just upgraded to the new iTunes and have 5 zinio magazines. I am fine with a 20 minute backup. I try to delete older magazines but I did notice that they could be restored. Does this mean I actualy have 15 magazines on the iPad?
Mine has been going for almost 2 days now, and still running! 64Gig with 3G, 10GB unused, Totally unacceptable timescale! That said it sook just as long nefore I added any movie content onto the machine, so the talk of it being linked to number of songs etc seems irrelevent!
My 64 gig wifi 3G

backs up quite quickly unless I loaded a few hundred new photos recently then it can take more than an hour.
Backup freezes

Why do we persist with IPad. The backup problem is iPad specific doesnt happen with iPhone etc which takes minutes. On my iPad this problem is intermittent but currently if falls over and refuses to continue backup after 80% complete and the only way to get out is stop sync on the iPad. For one month I have not managed a full backup and now the is a software release that I cannot install because I cannot backup.

Why should I be interested in IPAD2 if the same problems are going to appear. I simply do not understand Apple in this regard as a quick search on google will reveal that my my problem is far from unique


I just did the 3.2.1 upgrade.

The required backup took over 30 HOURS (!) but the update went smoothly.

My iPad is a 64 gByte Wifi model with around 12 gBytes free. The PC used with iTunes is an older dual-core Pentium with 4 gBytes RAM and around 175 gBytes free disc space on the system/iTunes drive.

The backup performance is completely unacceptable and I hope Apple can come up with a fix. I could copy the entire contents of a 1.5TB drive via USB in a few hours, so 52 gBytes should be less than an hour even allowing for data compression.


When I had to backup for 4.2.1 upgrade I had very very long backups--actually never ending. Advice here or somewhere said to get rid of apps like news which cache. I deleted many news apps, Zinio, etc and things went pretty well. I reinstalled those apps after backing up. Worth a try. I haven't done my 4.3 upgrade yet.

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