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How Many Apple Products Do You Own?

How many Apple products do you own or use?

  • Just the iPad, no others

    Votes: 137 12.7%
  • iPad +1 other

    Votes: 191 17.7%
  • iPad +2 others

    Votes: 221 20.5%
  • iPad +3 or more other Apple products

    Votes: 530 49.1%

  • Total voters
I've seen one or two of these posts that are hard to believe, who has 5 iPhone 4's and 4 iPhone 4s's ? Not to mention the 3 iPads etc etc. I don't know about the kid who posted that but I don't need 9 iPhones to call someone.

Sent from my iPad 4 128GB running iOS 12.3... -_-
spudmonkee said:
I've seen one or two of these posts that are hard to believe, who has 5 iPhone 4's and 4 iPhone 4s's ? Not to mention the 3 iPads etc etc. I don't know about the kid who posted that but I don't need 9 iPhones to call someone.

Sent from my iPad 4 128GB running iOS 12.3... -_-

I am guessing this is for an entire family. Wonder how one would manage all the phones.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01Update From NYC using iPF
In the order i got them

Blue 4 GB iPod nano
Black 80GB iPod classic
8GB iPhone 3G
21 inch apple iMac
Black 8GB iPod (the one that looks like a tiny version of the classic)
White 16 GB iPad 2 (Without 3G)

And a new edition will be coming when my phone contract is up so then there will be the iPhone 4
2 iPhone 4S
2 iPhone 4
Apple TV
Macintosh Laptop but I don't think that's what it's called
And finally an iPad 2 which is supposed to be delivered Thursday by 4:30 local
MelvinTopaz said:
2 iPhone 4S
2 iPhone 4
Apple TV
Macintosh Laptop but I don't think that's what it's called
And finally an iPad 2 which is supposed to be delivered Thursday by 4:30 local

I bet you can wait for Thursday to come around! Nice!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
This iPad2 is my 1st although my daughter has multiple ipod,shuffles, Mac desktop with huge screen but even though my heart was set on iPhone, in Verizonwireless store, the salesman was effective in showing me that Thunderbolt was far more versatile. It changed my mind completely snd I find it thrilling in its function. Music is not my thing. When buying new laptop, I checked with daughter who is manager of IT in global company and recommended that I stay with Windows at this time. I needed 17" screen and the transformer is HEAVY! but I'm not in airports often and I like the large screen. It seems that Apple PC's do not get hit with virus issues like Windows deals with daily. I need a mix and I'm enjoying the iPad2.
Last edited:
x1 iPhone 4S (Business phone)
x1 iPhone 4 (Personal Phone)
x1 iPad 1 32GB
x2 iPad 2 64GB
x1 iMac 27"
x1 MacBook Air 128GB

*** U.S. Federal Prisoner Transportation Services. Director of U.S. Fed. Pr. Tr. ***
I have:
~Appcumulation.webp This is a montage of most of my appcumulation
27 Macs,
1 Apple Quicktake 150 camera,
1 Apple Newton PDA,
7 Apple ][s,
2 Apple Laserwriter printers,
2 Apple Stylewriter printers,
3 Apple Imagewriter printers,
1 Apple Profile 5 Mb HDD (yes, FIVE Megabytes)
+ 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives
Oh, and some early Apple promotional stuff featuring the original Apple Isaac Newtown logo (ie, before the stripey Apple).

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