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How many movies do you have on your iPad?

How many movies do you have on your iPad?

  • 1

    Votes: 18 20.5%
  • 2

    Votes: 18 20.5%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 13 14.8%
  • 5+

    Votes: 39 44.3%

  • Total voters
It's raising prices and making you essentially pay for two services if you want DVDs and streaming. Oh well. Have to say, I've found it dirt cheap.
I got 5. Ounce upon a time in America, Zombieland, The Great Escape, Ghost town (dreadful) and Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Well I'm in the process of loading them back on but at any given time, I may have between 7-10. They are normally movies that you can't watch on Netflix instant play. I have Avatar, Book of Eli and Hairspray that I've loaded back so far.

Sent from my iPad 64G 3G using iPF
I did the Netflix thing, only to find their movie selections are miniscule. Lots of b movies I have never even heard of!

The funny thing is, I rarely watch popular movies and I find art house- and BBC-type programming on Netflix that I love and wouldn't find elsewhere anywhere near as easily.
None. All my movies I have watched are stored in iTunes, only unwatched ones get synced to my iPad. However, I do have two TV shows with all their episodes in HD on it. it's MTV's Teen Wolf and ABC Family's State of Georgia. I'm not in the US so I don't get Netflix. But I do have access to VeVo and iTunes USA.

- Sent from my Highly-Personalized jailbroken iPad 2! :D
got 36 movies on ipad and watch them via hdmi on tv att home or hotels.also my movies collection on itune it is close to 500.

That's a lot of movies! I know people who have 500 CDs on iTunes, but few with as many movies.

Anyway, the responses here clearly demonstrate that there's lots of ways to watch movies and TV shows with an iPad. And I didn't realize that Netflix has a good collection of BBC material. I will have to check this out.

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