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How much better will the iPad 3 be ?


iPF Novice
With Strong indications Apple will reveal its next-generation iPad in early March, CNET's David Carnoy takes a look at what feature and design enhancements potential buyers can expect.

Anatomy of an iPad upgrade (click to enlarge).
(Credit: Guilherme M. Schasiepen)

I was talking to a friend and tech enthusiast the other day--let's call him "Chuck"--and he sheepishly admitted that he'd taken the iPad plunge.

I was shocked. Not so much because Chuck had never bought an Apple product before (take note,Android fanboys), but because he'd bought an iPad 2 with the iPad 3 just around the corner (if the rumors are to be believed).

I told him he was crazy. In buying his first Apple product, he'd not only broken the cardinal rule of buying Apple products (don't buy within six months of the launch of a new, version 1.0 product), but he'd committed the ghastly sin of buying within 30 days of a potential new product announcement.

Now, Chuck is no idiot. He graduated with honors from college, which is more than I can say. And he does his research before buying tech products. But a wife was involved. His, not mine. She wanted an iPad 2 and she wanted it now, cardinal rules and ghastly sins be damned.

iPad 3: Key feature upgrades (photos)

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So Chuck bought a refurbished 16GB iPad 2 for $420. Not bad. That's 80 bucks less than a new one would cost.

But I still thought it was foolish. Patience, I said. Tell her just a few more weeks. That's all. Then make a decision. You might even be able to pick up the iPad 2 for even cheaper. And there are rumors Apple might keep it on the market to combat cheaperAndroid tablets, including the Kindle Fire (I have my doubts Apple will do this, but it does do it with its iPhones, so maybe it will do it with the iPad, too).

He said he told her all that. He'd tried. He'd fought the good fight, but he'd been denied. Now meant now.

"She's not a power user," he said. "I mean, how much better could the iPad 3 be?"

Ah, well, that's where the title of this article comes in.

I told him I thought it would be at least 25 percent better. The speed bump from the new processor would be nice (it always is), but the big differences would be the screen and the cameras. It would be worth the extra $80 he'd pay (assuming the new iPad cost the same as the old one--as it usually does).

"If Apple doubles the resolution of the screen, you're going to be sorry," I said. "And I know your wife is going to want to do some FaceTime HD, which she won't be able to do with the iPad 2. And then there's Siri. She's gonna want a little Siri action. The iPad 2 doesn't do Siri. The iPad 3 will."

This was all speculation, of course, but it got Chuck thinking.

Features to expect in iPad 3

"You think it will be thinner?" he asked.

"I don't know about thinner but I think they'll be able to find a way to make it lighter. It's more important that it's lighter. Barnes & Noble did it with the Nook Tablet. Same size as the Nook Color but lighter."

He nodded. "You're making me feel bad," he said.

"That my job," I replied. "But if it makes you feel any better I've got a really good Speck iPad 2 case I can give you. In pink. Perfect for Valentine's Day."

He was down for that.

Today, he told me the iPad 2 had arrived. Only $420, he said. Was working well. His wife liked it. But he'd been trying to warm her up to the idea of returning it. He had 14 days.

"I tell you what," I said. "I'll write an article about how much better the iPad 3 will be and maybe that'll convince her. But I need you to be in the article."

"OK, if you give me that case I'll be in the article."

"Done," I said.
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Regardless of what any one thinks the future iPad is up in the air as it is all rumors. Only Apple has the answers and they will answer the question when it is released. The problem is the rumor is like a rehashed roast dinner that has been fed as a roast then served up several ways as left overs so in other words no one knows what is coming next. The media thrives on this and loves rewording so called announcements. It is fun to speculate sure but remember one thing between now and March 7 this year ignor all rumors that way it will be a surprise not a disappointment.
I hope march 7th is the announcement its killing me to wait lol (will be my first ipad and ive had sooo much will power to stop myself from just biting the bullet and buying the 2)
Same here ! Same here ! This is the first ever iPad even I am gonna buy and I am already so much in love with the iPad-2. That I am so anxious about how the iPad-3 will be when compared to iPad-2 ?
Lol Apple has the best marketing machine period in IT and the rule truth is it costs them nothing as the rumors alone build up the hope. This is nothing new has been around with Apple since the 90's so enjoy the final results. Bon appetite
Lol Apple has the best marketing machine period in IT and the rule truth is it costs them nothing as the rumors alone build up the hope. This is nothing new has been around with Apple since the 90's so enjoy the final results. Bon appetite

Colonel Bris you seem to have full faith in Apple that they will come out with a Beyond Expectation Quality Product even with the iPad-3. lol
Same here ! Same here ! This is the first ever iPad even I am gonna buy and I am already so much in love with the iPad-2. That I am so anxious about how the iPad-3 will be when compared to iPad-2 ?

Same for me. I have full faith that the ipad 3 will be a cut above anyother regardless of what they do/dont change. Im just really bad at waiting.. Once a release date is decided and announced ill be fine.
First I am not a colonel Lol but that's ok col is short for Colin the fact is I began my Apple experience with an Apple 11 plus never looked back both as a user since 1978 plus as an owner of my own Apple VAR business in Australia from 1993. What is important is I have lived through the highs and lows of Apple and in the past 20 years or more Apple has never disappointed me. That excitement remains because not only does Apple deliver fantastic products that work but more importantly every one loves them. I really expect that the next version of Ipad what ever they call it will again excite. In the 90's I really saw the writing on the wall but I had faith in Apple and when Steve came back to Apple from Next computers it was a new beginning. The last 5 years has been like a wild roller coaster ride except this ride keeps going up. The forthcoming release of the 3 rd generation IPad in my opinion will again hit the home base and provide yet again a massive demand for for the product. Yes I will again upgrade and I too cannot wait for the release to see what Apple will deliver.
I think stereo speakers would be a nice improvement. Maybe a CPU that apple doesnt under clock for once?
I think stereo speakers would be a nice improvement. Maybe a CPU that apple doesnt under clock for once?

You know why they under clock the CPU, right?

Run a 1.5ghz CPU at 1.0 and you gain significant battery life over running a 1.0 at 1.0...
First I am not a colonel Lol but that's ok col is short for Colin the fact is I began my Apple experience with an Apple 11 plus never looked back both as a user since 1978 plus as an owner of my own Apple VAR business in Australia from 1993. What is important is I have lived through the highs and lows of Apple and in the past 20 years or more Apple has never disappointed me. That excitement remains because not only does Apple deliver fantastic products that work but more importantly every one loves them. I really expect that the next version of Ipad what ever they call it will again excite. In the 90's I really saw the writing on the wall but I had faith in Apple and when Steve came back to Apple from Next computers it was a new beginning. The last 5 years has been like a wild roller coaster ride except this ride keeps going up. The forthcoming release of the 3 rd generation IPad in my opinion will again hit the home base and provide yet again a massive demand for for the product. Yes I will again upgrade and I too cannot wait for the release to see what Apple will deliver.

And that is what the Buzz is, iPad-3 was the last project Steve Jobs was working on, so it will have a cut of Steve's touch to it and so all the more reason that it will be special not to say that others in the Cupertino based Company are worthless but as you said rightly It was Steve who Joined Apple after Next Computers which kind of brought the revival of Apple as a company.

One thing's for sure and this is what I have heard from so many of my friends who so far have been using Macbook Pro, iPad, iPhone and host of other Apple Products. With Apple products, it is least complication, so easy to understand. It is a No Fuss Utility !!
1. Until it comes out, the iPad 3 will have a miraculous leap in technology.
2. Once it comes out, the media will get all upset about what was not included.
3. It will be a huge leap over the previous model.
4. It will make millions for Apple and the public will love it.
1. Until it comes out, the iPad 3 will have a miraculous leap in technology.
2. Once it comes out, the media will get all upset about what was not included.
3. It will be a huge leap over the previous model.
4. It will make millions for Apple and the public will love it.

So very very true!

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