Hi guys..I'm running JB iPad 1 4.3.1
I've been downloading .mp3 files (I forget the exact program I got from Cydia to do this). Unfortunately, I can play these files by using ifile ro find and play the songs. It's no problem if I'm merely playing the downloaded songs together. I've actually have been wanting to play these songs along with my music added through iTunes. Ive tried transferring the song file to the iPod folders (where they are labeled F00 and so on). Does anyone know the correct way to make these songs show up on my "iPod" playlist? (I realize I could very easily sync the songs with my computer and add through iTunes but sometimes my computer is not available). Thanks in advance for the help guys!
I've been downloading .mp3 files (I forget the exact program I got from Cydia to do this). Unfortunately, I can play these files by using ifile ro find and play the songs. It's no problem if I'm merely playing the downloaded songs together. I've actually have been wanting to play these songs along with my music added through iTunes. Ive tried transferring the song file to the iPod folders (where they are labeled F00 and so on). Does anyone know the correct way to make these songs show up on my "iPod" playlist? (I realize I could very easily sync the songs with my computer and add through iTunes but sometimes my computer is not available). Thanks in advance for the help guys!