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How to attached CV and other items to mail using Ipad


iPF Noob
Sir , kindly help me out of this problem I find it difficult to attached file using ipad2. Any way out of this. If I want fill form that will required me to attach my scan certificate or CV it is not working .eve if a site asked me to upload my CV it is not working. Help . Thanks for your usual cooperation .
Sir , kindly help me out of this problem I find it difficult to attached file using ipad2. Any way out of this. If I want fill form that will required me to attach my scan certificate or CV it is not working .eve if a site asked me to upload my CV it is not working. Help . Thanks for your usual cooperation .

You will have to jailbreak your piece.. And use cydia app "any attach"
Unfortunately, even if you we're to jail break your device, the Cydia tweak AnyAttch is not what you will need in this instance. AnyAttach is for use in e-mail so you can attach a file while composing an e-mail. Besides, AnyAttach is not working on iOS 6 at the moment (we are waiting on an update).

If you were jail broken, the tweak you would use is called "Safari Upload Enabler." This makes it so you can upload files to the Internet. Unfortunately, this tweak is ALSO not updated for use with iOS 6.


Have you looked into using the web browser iCab Mobile? I've not used it for this purpose, but I understand that there is a feature where you can upload documents. I know it's a paid app at the App Store, but I don't remember the price (it's not too expensive, though, that much I do remember).

Maybe give that a try?


P.S. Not that I'm discouraging you from jail breaking your device (I've JB'd mine and love it). It's just that, for right now, if you JB it for the sole purpose of using either of those tweaks, you'll be disappointed...
Unfortunately many websites like this dont work, i have the same issue uploading photos to websites. The only way around this is an app called aurigma up, but it doesnt work half the time although it has on some websites. I think this is only for photos though.
Your best bet is to get an app like smart office 2, so you can email yourself the word document, open it in smart office, edit it then email it directly to the employers email address.
Although to save yourself some money and effort just find a local computer at a library where its often free to use the PC's. Sorry i couldnt help more on this occasion.

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