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how to back up contacts and notes ? I'm on Ios 5.01, want to update and JB to 5.1.1


iPF Noob
Hi Guys,

I'm currently on 5.0.1 and on JB; music, pictures and other files do not matter to me (they can be easily backed up).

However my question is on my contacts, notes and reminders. Everytime I update an IOS version, i-plug it to pc, restore to higher version (everything is deleted).

Is there anyway I can back up my contacts and notes ? everytime I do update I do re-type all my contacts :(

Please help.

If you connect your iPad to iTunes and (1) select to "Transfer Purchases" and then, when that's done, (2) select "Backup," you should get everything back onto your iPad after you finish the jail break. The key is to have the backup and then have a clean iOS install. The process goes quicker and it's relatively painless.

For example, I just finished putting a fresh install of iOS 5.1.1 on my iPad3 (I did a DFU Mode and restore of the iOS). Before I did the restore, I did as I said in the above paragraph. Then, I jail broke the iPad3 with Absinthe 2.0 and then selected to "Restore from Backup" to put everything back on the iPad.

All my contacts, settings, folders, notes, even pictures (!) were all as they were before I started. If it weren't for the the Cydia icon, it would appear as if I didn't do the restore and jail break.

So, do the steps in the first paragraph and follow the Dev Team's instructions on preparing the iPad for jailbreaking and you'll be fine.

Thanks for answering Marilyn, won't the restore from back up remove the Jailbreak ? sorry can you confirm the steps

1. Back up from iTunes
2. Update from 5.01 to 5.1.1
3. Jailbreak
4. Restore back up from Itunes ?

Thanks for answering Marilyn, won't the restore from back up remove the Jailbreak ? sorry can you confirm the steps

1. Back up from iTunes
2. Update from 5.01 to 5.1.1
3. Jailbreak
4. Restore back up from Itunes ?


Nope, you'll be fine if you select the "Restore from Back Up" option. It will not mess with your jail break (doesn't mess with iOS at all ... even on stock iPads). The key here is to ensure you pick the right backup. Sometimes, iTunes will create a backup during the restore process. Just make a note of the time on the one you want (it'll always be the older backup). Then, if iTunes asks if you're sure that you want to use the older backup, say "yes."

And, as a caution/reminder: Since you are already jail broken, you really should do a DFU Mode restore and put a clean iOS 5.1.1 version on the iPad. Then, you won't develop any problems with the jail break. You do NOT want to do a wipe from the iPad itself, nor do you want to do an over-the-air update on a jail broken iPad.

That's why the backup is important, because you are essentially putting the iPad back to a fresh, out-of-the-box state. So, your sequence is:

1) "Transfer Purchases"
2) "Backup"
3) DFU Mode and shift restore (select the iOS 5.1.1 IPSW you should already have on your computer)
4) Restore as new (not from backup)
5) Jailbreak
6) "Restore from Backup" (making sure to pick the one YOU made, not the one auto-made by iTunes during restore)

Hope this helps.

Thanks Marilyn, I'll take note of this, however I'll wait few more days since the JB tool is not yet stable. Dev team just have updated the absinthe to 2.0.1.

Thanks again this is very much appreciated.

Is there anything wrong if I cheated and

1) backed up (just in case) JB 5.0.1
2) update from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1, losing jailbreak
3) jailbreak on 5.1.1
4) no restore necessary.

I understand there may be a little clutter (didn't have much installed anyways) but I haven't had any negative side effects since. Battery life is normal as is everyting else. I was just especially worried on losing my texts off my iPhone since they date back all the way to last November.

Also, JB tool is pretty stable IMO especially for a first day release. I was having problems with 2.0 but 2.0.1 was a breeze. Only things is doesn't support for now is the iPad 2,4 and the "new" 5.1.1 GSM build.
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Nope, there is no harm in the method you chose - as long as it worked. Many folk have reported being able to run the jail break on iPads with all their "stuff" on it.

So long as anyone reading this is fully prepared with a good backup in case they DO have to restore - there's no harm in seeing if you can do the jail break this way.

i update to ios 5.1.1 all my message and whatsapp content gone !!! anyway to get back .. i need it urgently !!! :(
I followed the jailbreak procedure described by Mickey330 (see below the quote). I've lost all my data! So please be careful and back up your date with third-party tools (e.g. evernote).

Just FYI, my iPad 2 64 Gb had got 4.x IOS, never locked, never jailbroken. I followed Mickey's advice step by step. I selected proper backup in Itunes (not the one auto-made, as I had specifically noticed time of the backup).

That's why the backup is important, because you are essentially putting the iPad back to a fresh, out-of-the-box state. So, your sequence is:

1) "Transfer Purchases"
2) "Backup"
3) DFU Mode and shift restore (select the iOS 5.1.1 IPSW you should already have on your computer)
4) Restore as new (not from backup)
5) Jailbreak
6) "Restore from Backup" (making sure to pick the one YOU made, not the one auto-made by iTunes during restore)


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