iPF Noob
Windows 7 64bit / iPod Touch 30GB & iPad WiFi 64GB / iTunes
I may have posted a similar question here, but can't find it. Sorry if I've double posted, I'm old and feeble
I have both my Touch and iPad plugged into USB's on my PC, and I see them both and their contents on iTunes.
I've tried to drag & drop music (individual songs) between the two devices but that doesn't work. Isn't it possible to copy or move music between devices on iTunes? If so how? Thanks for your help, IM
I may have posted a similar question here, but can't find it. Sorry if I've double posted, I'm old and feeble

I have both my Touch and iPad plugged into USB's on my PC, and I see them both and their contents on iTunes.
I've tried to drag & drop music (individual songs) between the two devices but that doesn't work. Isn't it possible to copy or move music between devices on iTunes? If so how? Thanks for your help, IM