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How to downgrade ios5 to ios4 of ipad2

Franky Ng

iPF Noob
Two days ago, I upgraded my os of my ip2 from ios4 to ios5. After the upgrading, my book reader Stanza doesn't work anymore. I want to downgrade back to iso4. Can anyone help me how to do it? Thanks!!
I think I read that with iPad 2, you can't revert back. But with iPad 1 you can. Hopefully someone else will reply because I could be wrong about that.
It is not possible to revert back from iOS5 to an earlier version for any model of the iPad.

Several app Developers are working on making their apps iOS5 compatible, so expect an update soon.

The word "on the street" is that Stanza will not get an update for iOS5. Evidently, Amazon purchased the app (program? coding?) and are not going to update it (because they have the Kindle app).

I'm on an e-book forum and all the conversations say that no one expects to see Stanza get revived. So, most of those conversations discuss alternates - which are many (some free, some paid).

So, my thoughts are - no, you can't go back to iOS 4.x and unfortunately, Stanza is gone. Sorry.

oh you're kidding me! I'm in the same boat. I have an ipad 2 and use it mainly for ebooks via the wonderful Stanza app. I should have known big business would rear it's ugly head and beat down the little guy.
points off for Apple and Amazon... I'd been using Amazon as my main online shop but they just lost me as a customer.

btw did some searching and Megareader is an acceptable replacement. Not as good, but it's decent and works with Calibre server via wifi.
Yeah, I also just discovered MegaReader. It's very cool in that I can access my e-book library (that I've got in Dropbox). I created a catalog using Calibre2OPDS to create a catalog and MegaReader can be pointed at the catalog so I can browse my own books.

It's now one of my favorite apps - because of that. Way cool...

Mickey330 said:
Yeah, I also just discovered MegaReader. It's very cool in that I can access my e-book library (that I've got in Dropbox). I created a catalog using Calibre2OPDS to create a catalog and MegaReader can be pointed at the catalog so I can browse my own books.

It's now one of my favorite apps - because of that. Way cool...


After a week of using Megareader I like it better than Stanza. It loads books from Calibre faster, and gives you more control over how the book is displayed. Stanza also was giving me random errors, even on ios4.

The only feature I miss now is the downswipe to dim the display. Megareader has a color wheel, which is weird. I purchased the $2 version and was glad to do so.

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