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Is there any way to downgrade iPad 2 from iOS5 to iOS4?


iPF Noob
I've installed the iOS5 beta 4 on my iPad 2 3G, because I just wanted to try it and then downgrade back to iOS 4.3.x. But it seems to be unable to downgrade to iOS4, because I all the time get an error while restoring to iOS4 (mostly error 1604). The second thing is, I don't have any SHSH backup. The question is simple: IS IT ABLE TO DOWNGRADE FROM iOS5 beta 4 BACK TO iOS4? I will do anything to get back iOS 4 on my iPad to, so please help me :-)

P.S. Sorry for my bad English :-)
Yes, you should be able to downgrade from ios5 beta back to the current firmware. I've done it myself several times.
Apple don't support downgrading of IOS, however, IF you were a developer as you are SUPPOSED to be to be using IOS5 beta, you would probably understand how to revert your device back to IOS4.

On iPad2 you should use this tutorial to help you - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-your-ipad-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs.html

It does not matter if you do not understand it, and do not be put off by the piece at the beginning about checking in Cydia. You DO NOT need to do this bit. Just follow the rest of the tutorial step by step and you should be able to restore to 4.3.5 without a problem.
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