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how to freak out your girlfriend or wife in one easy step

she likes them and she goy a set in each in the following camo colars in ACU and Woodland camo and Dessert camo colors and they have across the back of them the saying this person is a wife of a US Army soldier on them ..

she thinks they are cute and coddly and she bought herself two sets of each color that they had in her size along with a couple of military cartoon sleep sets that she found at the store for the kid ..

my kids think it funny that she was wearing them tonight around the house and the girls where in the front room they all had there gucci gear on in the front room watching tv after dinner tonight ..

my kid made the comment about the gucci gear and i go she like it and what iam to do ..she goes that all right dad she is going to have shaped up and ready to become the perfect military wife ..

my kid has a t-shirt that my girl like that said miliary wife saying that goes ..it my job to pack and move and think that iam going to be in the same area as my husband but knowing the military they send me to Korea and him to Germany on a married tour ..plus a couple more really stange saying of a military wife ..

so my girl thought they where pretty stange intill the girls went out one night and had a long stange talk about moveing around beening military family and married ..so she get the time that i get to spend with the kids comeing into the house this week with them ..for they have all gotten time off and they are comeing home this week for Xmas time for all us to be togerther this year.. ..
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Not sure about my wife coming to bed with combat gear........ :D

Ya think? LOL!

Henry ~ gotta love your stories, My Dear!

iam trying to get her mom to take a picture for me of her in the gucci sleep wear and her fuzzy house slippers she wear around house right now with her hair up and no make up on and her glass she wears but she keep movieing around and not standing still this morning ..iam wanting a blackmail picture to have in the photo ablum

right now iam pretty happy mood all this week by friday night i will all my kids in the house with there family this year my oldest is comeing to the house but he could not bringing the kids they are spending Xmas at his ex house and that where he is intill Xmas evening than he comeing out here for Xmas day ..

so i get to have the everyone here for Xmas and the kids and grandkids allready have gotten Xmas gifts in the form of ipads and accessories for them plus my girl has bought them a small gift each for my older kids and a couple of gifts for the grandkids this year ..

Xmas Dinner is going to be fun to have that many people inside the house is going to be a change but it going to be worth it ..

i say bye for now because i have to get ready for we are leaveing to go somewhere for lunch today with the familys ..

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