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How to get music from iPad to stereo system

I thought someone suggested a portable bluetooth player also but I haven't been able to find that post or link.
Are you looking for a portable BlueTooth receiver?

I have been looking at this one from Amazon, but haven't pulled the trigger yet --

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Miccus-BluBridge-mini-jack-Rx-Bluetooth/dp/B0038MA11U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1297794348&sr=8-3]Miccus BluBridge mini-jack Rx: Portable, Bluetooth Music Receiver with Stereo Output[/ame]
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I thought someone suggested a portable bluetooth player also but I haven't been able to find that post or link.
Are you looking for a portable BlueTooth receiver?

I have been looking at this one from Amazon, but haven't pulled the trigger yet --

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0038MA11U/]Amazon.com: Miccus BluBridge mini-jack Rx: Portable, Bluetooth Music Receiver with Stereo Output (1/8_Inch) for Home and Auto systems: Electronics[/ame]

I have the Belkin BT receiver and it works quite well. There is a minor issue with the sound sometimes being momentarily interrupted when you touch the aluminum case of the iPad. It seems suspiciously like the iPhone 4 antenna issue.

I think that AirPort Express would also do the job but it does cost quite a bit more than a BT receiver.
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Although I don't know how it sounds, I like this one from Miccus because it can be powered from a USB port which means I can use it in 2 of my cars that have radios with AUX in jacks and USB ports.

Unfortunately the Bose sound system in my 20 year old Corvette does not have an AUX in jack or USB port. Sounds like a good excuse to upgrade, eh?
1991-C4 said:
Although I don't know how it sounds, I like this one from Miccus because it can be powered from a USB port which means I can use it in 2 of my cars that have radios with AUX in jacks and USB ports.

Unfortunately the Bose sound system in my 20 year old Corvette does not have an AUX in jack or USB port. Sounds like a good excuse to upgrade, eh?

You could always get a cigarette-lighter -> USB adapter for the vette! They cost $10/$15 dollars. obviously, the USB port can only power devices - no data transfer through the cigarette lighter USB adapter! :-)

I use one in my 17 year old beater car to keep my iPhone charged (and use a cassette adapter to play music from the iPhone in that car).
I went ahead and bought the Apple component cable and the sound quality is much, much better than the headphone jack connection. I didn't like paying $39 but the sound is better. I can't believe the BT connection yields better sound, but I plan to try it out.

I can confirm the belkin Bluetooth receiver works fine on the iPad. I'm using mine at this very moment, sound quality is superb but would recommend importing your CDs as apple lossless versions, I think you get a better sound quality on the higher frequencies.
Also works good on iPhones..
newfmp3 said:
I have this one

For only $16.80 each when QTY 50+ purchased - BlueTooth Music Receiver | BlueTooth Music Receiver

to send audio to these in a workout room.

Logitech Rechargeable Speaker (S715I) : Dockable Speakers - Best Buy Canada

it works ok. Some crackling of higher freq. Range is pretty good. If I stay on same level of the house it'll work a good 50' .Through floors, ~35

Thanks for the info - I have the Belkin Bluetooth music receiver and was thinking about getting a second one for my downstairs stereo - I may try this one instead (only $20!)
The main reason I held off on getting an Ipad of any kind was because I couldn't stream my music wirelessly to my Airport express, the way I can now, with my netbook. Now that Airplay is enabled on MANY Ipad apps, including Pandora(awesome) Itunes, obviously, many others. There is also a simple step for tricking the ipad into transmitting ANY of the sounds that it is playing to your Airport express. I have my airport connected to a subwoofer and 2 cambridge sound works speakers, and it sounds unbelievable! I can walk all over the house with my netbook (Ipad2 is on order) and even go outside.. and I don't get any interruption of any kind. Bluetooth is CRAP as far as I'm concerned. You can't walk too far from the connection, and the sound quality is NOTHING compared to the airport express. I'm going to actually buy 2 more aiports (used about $50 each) and put a nice ceiling speaker in my kitchen, and others on my porch. I am just dying here, waiting for my Ipad 2 to ship to me! By the way, I'm a musician, and I am VERY snobby when it comes to how well my music sounds. I am 100% impressed and awed by all of this wireless connectivity and sound quality. Hope this helps
Thanks Ral14, can you explain how the Airport Express works? How can it be connected directly to speakers? What drives the speakers? I've got the music on my ipad and it's connected to my wireless network in the house, does the AE connect to the wireless network and feed the music to the speakers? I want it to feed the music directly to my receiver which will power the speakers. Am I right?

The Apple website is garbage. It just is marketing and doesn't speak to how it all works.


The Airport Express is a neat little device. It can act in one three basic ways.

A portable router, with ethernet connection for ISP.
A network access device, for computers without built in wifi radios..
A network extender (if the router supports it).

The last is a bit of a pain to set up, but I've use it all three ways. The first and second are fairly easy to set up, though you do need Apple's Airport Utility tool (available for both Windows and OS X)

In all three modes you can use the USB port and audio jack. The USB port is mostly for networking printers without their own WiFi. The audio jack works with iTunes and AirPlay. Once the device is setup, both iTunes and AirPlay will automatically detect and offer it as an alternate sound output device. Just plug your stereo into the jack, and you are ready to rock with any app that has AirPlay.

As for quality, well, sounds good enough to me, but I'm no audiophile and I don't have any high end equipment anyway.
So, even thought I now have the ipad connected to my stereo system with a component wire system, from the 32pin to RCA jacks in the back, I am enamored with the Airport Express, but I have some questions.

Here's how I think it works (please correct me, if I'm wrong), I plug the AE into the wall outlet next to the stereo and then use an earphone jack cable from the AE to a RCA connector in the back of the stereo. Then, I can play from my ipad to the AE/stereo.

If that setup is correct, here are my questions:

1. How can the sound be any better when streaming via wifi from the ipad through the router to the AE, than, directly hooking the headphone jack from the ipad to the stereo?

2. Am I right in thinking that the quality would be better coming out the 32pin connector than from the earphone jack even though both go to RCA connectors on the stereo?

3. Is there an interface to the AE? How do you configure it to know to play from the ipad versus one of the other computers (all PC) on the network?

4. RAL14 says he streams to the AE which is directly connected to his speakers. How is this possible? Unless he has powered speakers, where does the speaker get the power?
Rvh said:
1. How can the sound be any better when streaming via wifi from the ipad through the router to the AE, than, directly hooking the headphone jack from the ipad to the stereo?
Not sure, if it is any better, but the sound through the APE is great. Of course depending on the source file quality

Rvh said:
2. Am I right in thinking that the quality would be better coming out the 32pin connector than from the earphone jack even though both go to RCA connectors on the stereo?
The sound from the pin connector seems to be slightly better then from the 3.5" jack.
Rvh said:
3. Is there an interface to the AE? How do you configure it to know to play from the ipad versus one of the other computers (all PC) on the network?
The APE needs to be configured from a windows pc, or a mac with a specific software.
Only one device can stream music to the APE at a time, so there is no confusion, but it also means that you cannot play music simultaneously from multiple devices. On iTunes, or the iPad can you choose to play sounds on the device, or stream to the APE. It is really simple.

Rvh said:
4. RAL14 says he streams to the AE which is directly connected to his speakers. How is this possible? Unless he has powered speakers, where does the speaker get the power?
RAL14 has powered speakers. The APE only supplies the audio signal. But of course, you could connected headphones to the APE.

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