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How To Install iOS 5 Jailbreak Widgets For Notification Center Via Cydia


Super Moderator

With iOS 5 comes new possibilities for tweaks in Cydia. With the Notification Center in iOS 5, developers now have even more room for Tweak ideas. The Notification Center has become a popular place for Widget Tweaks in Cydia. Now you can tweak it to do all kinds of things and give you different pieces of information to your liking. With some of the tweaks that are still in beta, they don't respiring your device after installing. This make you think "what gives?", you installed a tweak and it's not there. Well that is because you must respiring your device yourself after installing a package with something like SBSettings(free). Afterwards, you must travel to the Notifications settings and pull your downloaded tweak into the Notification Center. Then you can just pull down from you status bar and see your tweak installed, it's that easy, just one extra little step.

BigBoss iOS 5 Beta Repo:
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