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How to recover missing icons?


iPF Noob
The scenario:
- When all screens are full of app icons and you download another app, a new screen is created and the icon is placed there.
- There is an 11 screen limit (I did not know this)
- Once you reach 11 full screens, you can still install apps but their icons are not displayed.
- If you remove an app which was displayed on a screen, it does not automatically move one of the "hidden" apps to that free space.
- I don't like folders but I am going to be forced to use them.
- Now that I have some icons in folders, I have free space on screens.

The question:
- How do I get the icons for the hidden apps to be moved back to a visible screen?

- They do not appear on the "Purchased Apps" screen, either under "All" or "Not on This iPad".
- If you go to the app's page in the store, it shows as Installed.
- Because of the above two, I can not try uninstalling and reinstalling the apps.
- You can "Search" for the app, but you have to know the name of the app.
- I don't know how many apps may be missing, so Search doesn't help without knowing all the names.
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Huh. I never knew that freeing space up on the screens did not automatically make the ones that are not showing - show.

Have you tried a restart or a reboot (or both)? Apologies in advance if you already know how, but in case, to to:

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Reset: Hold both the power and home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo then appears (the slide to unlock screen may or may not appear). Once the logo appears, release the buttons. After a time, your homescreen will appear. Please note that it may take some time for the Apple logo to appear or for your homescreen to appear (or both). This is normal. Eventually, the homescreen will appear.

After you've done the first, and maybe the second, step, see if your apps have now appeared.

This is my first guess, given that again, I have not run across this before. So, please, give it a try and then let us k ow how you get on. If it worked, I'd like to know and if it didn't, we'll take another stab at it. Thanks. And good luck.


P.S. I've taken the liberty of moving your post over to the Help section. More people "hang out" there - so hopefully someone will see this and have JUST the answer you need. Thanks for your understanding.
Oh Mickey, you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, Hey Mickey!

I did a restart and they all reappeared on the last page. Thank you very much.

I do think that some arbitrary 11 page limit by Apple is stupid. Why limit how many screens I can have? It's not like you are using any more resources to have some icons on different virtual screens.

Anyway, thanks for your help. I need to remember that the first step in troubleshooting any electronic device is to first power it off and back on and see if that fixes it!
Aw, shucks - *blush* - t'weren't nothin'! :)

Glad to hear that it worked! Putting this one in my mental tool box of "things to know." And, thanks for the report back. Always glad to hear of solutions that work.


Who agrees that it's silly to have that 11-page limit. But, who are we to argue with Apple? :D

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