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How to save web pages and read them off-line?

I use Instapaper.
Can't praise it high enough since I use it daily.
Best of all you can transfer your pages to Evernote within the app.

Again I would like to save something locally so that I can read without access to Internet.
Did you ever resolve the issue of using a bookmarklet to make a PDF of the web site? I'm sorry to ask this - but did you double check the JavaScript code if the answer is yes?

I had to ask because I just copied and pasted the code from the bookmarklets link and it works fine on my iPad (no 404 errors)...

And, it doesn't have to be opened in iBooks. It can be opened in any app that can read PDFs. See this for what I mean:


Did you ever resolve the issue of using a bookmarklet to make a PDF of the web site?

I did. After I tried the original code from PDFmyURL.com - Free & Online: Convert and save PDF from any web page and it worked, I compared their code and yours on http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/72353-guide-creating-safari-bookmarklets.html.

I found the JavaScript code with your post "javascript:pdf_url=location.href;location.href='ht tp://pdfmyurl.com?url='+escape(pdf_url) " has a space on the protocol "http".

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