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How to upgrade to ios 6.1.2 with jailbroken device

hi, i have jaibroken ipad 6.1.1.. if i update it through ipad wifi, will it work or the jailbreak be lost? i dont have anything in particular that i would want to backup..so is DFU mode still required?

For jailbroken devices, it's recommended that you restore using iTunes rather than OTA. This is for safety measures as there have been cases where jailbroken users were bricked because they did not remove certain Cydia tweaks that were lodged in their core files prior to OTA updating. So to prevent that, it's recommended that you use iTunes for OTA updates.


I just upgraded my iPad 3 from IOS 6.0.2 to IOS 6.1.2 :p. After the upgrade I ran tinyumbrella to get blobs. I got nothing :eek: . Then I ran Evasi0n 1.4 and did the jailbreak. Did littleumbrella after ... also no blob. The blob thingy, is it only available if there is 6.1.3 and 6.1.2 is still signed by Apple?

So as soon as Apple release 6.1.3, I should rush out and get my blob? :confused:

Make sure that in TinyUmbrella, you untick "Retrieve SHSH from Cydia" in the Advanced tab. Otherwise, it'll retrieve them from Cydia by default. Blobs can be retrieved as long as the iOS is being signed, not just the initial release date if that's what you're trying to get at. Cydia also retrieves them when you open up Cydia on your iPad or iPhone or iPod Touch. On the top of the main screen of Cydia, you'll see "iOS:" and a list of blobs that Cydia has stored for your device on their servers.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I did unclick "retrieve from Cydia" in tinyumbrella. Another thing I tried is using iSHSHit :p (what a wonderfully named tweak). In the firmware section, it only list up to 6.1.1 although I am at 6.1.2. Looking at the main page of Cydia, the top line says 6.1.2. Running iSHSHit, I also got nothing. (Also I'm experiencing blips on the Cydia main page. Occasionally the number appears. Other times no number at all.:eek:) This is for my ipad 3. My ipad mini, using iSHHSHit, I got blobs for 6.1.

p/s - My upgrade was done via iTunes with usb cable. I even turned off wifi so that it will not be OTA.
I updated without a problem and restored all of my Cydia tweaks/apps with Openbackup. My problem comes from iTunes; I have restored my iPad twice through iTunes and I can't seem to figure out how to restore my iTunes apps. Everything I've read on the net just says backup>restore>sync. I have done that and I still don't get my apps back. I am going through the painstaking process of manually downloading all of my apps now. iTunes Is confusing the crap out of me, why can't i just use an app similar to titanium backup (Android) to backup and restore my apps?
I remember seeing one of the menu items "Transfer App Purchases to iTunes" or something like that. When I clicked it, then iTunes started to copy all the apps into my PC. Prior to that, I did no see any apps in the "ipad window" on my pc. Maybe you missed that step and hence you're apps were not saved on PC.
I updated without a problem and restored all of my Cydia tweaks/apps with Openbackup. My problem comes from iTunes; I have restored my iPad twice through iTunes and I can't seem to figure out how to restore my iTunes apps. Everything I've read on the net just says backup>restore>sync. I have done that and I still don't get my apps back. I am going through the painstaking process of manually downloading all of my apps now. iTunes Is confusing the crap out of me, why can't i just use an app similar to titanium backup (Android) to backup and restore my apps?

When you restored, did you elect to "restore from backup"? Cause it's not sync that does it.

Regardless, you can still connect your iPad to iTunes and select "restore from backup." Pick the one you made just before you restored/upgraded and it should put your iPad back the way it was. It won't harm the jail break (or the restore).

Oh, and I've got to mention - NEVER try to use the OTA for upgrading your jail broken iPad. First off, it won't work with the current jail break - the evasi0n jail break tool has been designed to prevent an OTA from even starting (it'll just keep trying until you leave Settings).

Even if you managed to use the OTA for an upgrade to a newer iOS - it WILL bork up your iPad. It. Does. Not. Work! And if you try, you will have to restore using iTunes anyway. So, save yourself some steps - restore to a newer firmware using iTunes.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I did unclick "retrieve from Cydia" in tinyumbrella. Another thing I tried is using iSHSHit :p (what a wonderfully named tweak). In the firmware section, it only list up to 6.1.1 although I am at 6.1.2. Looking at the main page of Cydia, the top line says 6.1.2. Running iSHSHit, I also got nothing. (Also I'm experiencing blips on the Cydia main page. Occasionally the number appears. Other times no number at all.:eek:) This is for my ipad 3. My ipad mini, using iSHHSHit, I got blobs for 6.1.

p/s - My upgrade was done via iTunes with usb cable. I even turned off wifi so that it will not be OTA.

Tiny Umbrella (TU) has only been updated to fetch blobs up to iOS 6.1.1 (which was only available/for the iPhone 4S). So, if you've got blobs for 6.1, you're good (cause TU goes no higher). It's not been updated, yet, to get those blobs for iOS 6.1.2 ... yet.

As iOS 6.1.2 is still being signed and the creator of TU is quite good at making quick updates - I'm sure it's just a matter of time before there is a new version of TU that "catches" the 6.1.2 blobs. So, for now, hang in there.

Hope this helps.

Tiny Umbrella (TU) has only been updated to fetch blobs up to iOS 6.1.1 (which was only available/for the iPhone 4S). So, if you've got blobs for 6.1, you're good (cause TU goes no higher). It's not been updated, yet, to get those blobs for iOS 6.1.2 ... yet.

As iOS 6.1.2 is still being signed and the creator of TU is quite good at making quick updates - I'm sure it's just a matter of time before there is a new version of TU that "catches" the 6.1.2 blobs. So, for now, hang in there.

Hope this helps.


RedSn0w can also be used to retrieve blobs that TU is yet to support. You will, however, need to download the iOS IPSW for that device to retrieve them from Apple. At the same time, you can just chuck them onto Cydia's servers for safekeeping
Tiny Umbrella (TU) has only been updated to fetch blobs up to iOS 6.1.1 (which was only available/for the iPhone 4S). So, if you've got blobs for 6.1, you're good (cause TU goes no higher). It's not been updated, yet, to get those blobs for iOS 6.1.2 ... yet.

As iOS 6.1.2 is still being signed and the creator of TU is quite good at making quick updates - I'm sure it's just a matter of time before there is a new version of TU that "catches" the 6.1.2 blobs. So, for now, hang in there.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for the reply. Ah ... I didn't read the fine print when I downloaded tinyumbrella. It was also sometime back, and then there was a new revision and I downloaded that one too :p. Ok I'll wait and keep on trying to get all my blobs.
I read somewhere that you need to keep ALL your blobs :eek:. I don't have all of them especially the ones for the firmware that came when I bought my iPads. Am I screwed?

Say IOS 6.1.4 came out, I have blobs for 6.1.1 and I royally screwed up my iPad. Can I restore to 6.1.1 without having to go all the way down to the firmware originally that came from my iPad? :(
I read somewhere that you need to keep ALL your blobs :eek:. I don't have all of them especially the ones for the firmware that came when I bought my iPads. Am I screwed?

Say IOS 6.1.4 came out, I have blobs for 6.1.1 and I royally screwed up my iPad. Can I restore to 6.1.1 without having to go all the way down to the firmware originally that came from my iPad? :(

As of now, saving SHSH blobs is a just in case measure (we hope they may be of use in the future). Those SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.1 are only in case something ever gets developed - they are of no use right now.

If you have a jail broken iPad on an iOS that Apple is no longer signing, you will not be able to use those blobs to "fix" the problem. You will have to restore to the most current iOS that Apple is signing and, if the window is closed, that won't be 6.1.1.

So, when, eventually, a firmware gets released that is not jail breakable - be careful of your existing jail break.


P.S. And there is no way, any more, to go back iOS versions. Apple closed that door with the advent of iOS 5.
Have a look at this tutorial here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=26399

Yes, it talks about upgrading/restoring with iOS 4.x, so it's an older post - but the steps are the same ... except for step 3.

When you get to step 3 in the tutorial, use this instead:


3. Put your device into DFU Mode (http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html) and restore the iOS version you are moving to using iTunes (in your case, to iOS 6.1.2).

Then follow this tutorial to jail break the iPad using the evasi0n 1.4 tool: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=102722
Once you have finished you should have a clean iPad freshly jailbroken with Cydia on it!


Once your iPad is jail broken, you can then move on to step 4 in the tutorial.

Hopefully, this will help. Holler back if you need more assistance. Regardless, do let us know how you get on. Good luck.


Hey Marilyn,
First of all thanks for all or help and f1470y.
I have not yet updated to 6.1.2, and have a question with the tutorial, do I update or restore from new? I so appreciate all your answers to all of us that are new to this, I have read and printed tutorial!s from many of your sites,but, so many are dealing with JB's i have never dealt with before. Getting a little dizzy rereading so many things. Just a dizzy blond thing I guess!
BTW got PKG update, Dropbox, the SHSHIT thing, Ty, I think I buy every thing ya talk about. I just don't know how to use it all.

Maybe start a new forum called jailbreak and IPad's for dummy's!
When I get this figured out can we talk about Themes, (scary for me).
Thx again,
Hey Marilyn,
First of all thanks for all or help and f1470y.
I have not yet updated to 6.1.2, and have a question with the tutorial, do I update or restore from new? I so appreciate all your answers to all of us that are new to this, I have read and printed tutorial!s from many of your sites,but, so many are dealing with JB's i have never dealt with before. Getting a little dizzy rereading so many things. Just a dizzy blond thing I guess!
BTW got PKG update, Dropbox, the SHSHIT thing, Ty, I think I buy every thing ya talk about. I just don't know how to use it all.

Maybe start a new forum called jailbreak and IPad's for dummy's!
When I get this figured out can we talk about Themes, (scary for me).
Thx again,

Sry f4780y
I have not yet updated to 6.1.2, and have a question with the tutorial, do I update or restore from new?

I don't quite understand your question - but let me see if I can clarify...

Using the word update, when it comes to an iPad and iOS firmware, means to use the over-the-air (OTA) function designed by Apple. You are not putting on a full iOS, you are merely adding to the existing iOS to update it. This is Apple's way of making it easy to move to a newer iOS version wirelessly.

Jail breakers, including ones that are thinking of jail breaking, do NOT use the OTA function (for reasons already explained elsewhere). We restore the iPad to the newest firmware using iTunes. This means that iTunes wipes the iPad of the older iOS and puts on a full, new version (thus the need for a backup as everything is wiped). Restoring an iPad is the only way jail breakers manage their iOS versions and any upgrades thereto.


Bottom line: When you upgrade your iPad to iOS 6.1.2, you should do so via a restore in iTunes, after making a backup. When iTunes is finished with the upgrade, you will then be able to put your backup on the iPad.

Hope this clarifies.

I don't quite understand your question - but let me see if I can clarify...

Using the word update, when it comes to an iPad and iOS firmware, means to use the over-the-air (OTA) function designed by Apple. You are not putting on a full iOS, you are merely adding to the existing iOS to update it. This is Apple's way of making it easy to move to a newer iOS version wirelessly.

Jail breakers, including ones that are thinking of jail breaking, do NOT use the OTA function (for reasons already explained elsewhere). We restore the iPad to the newest firmware using iTunes. This means that iTunes wipes the iPad of the older iOS and puts on a full, new version (thus the need for a backup as everything is wiped). Restoring an iPad is the only way jail breakers manage their iOS versions and any upgrades thereto.


Bottom line: When you upgrade your iPad to iOS 6.1.2, you should do so via a restore in iTunes, after making a backup. When iTunes is finished with the upgrade, you will then be able to put your backup on the iPad.

Hope this clarifies.


Not really, just wanted to know if I should restore to new or not. Did the back up and etc. l knew to do the upgrade by iTunes. Sry, meant to ask a simple question and I guess my newness to the I pad and jailbreak are a pain in the neck for you experts. Sorry again, will just read from now on and not ask any questions. Once again sorry for bothering you.
Another jailbreaking for dummies Q

On my newly jb ipad 3 - with ios 6.11 - do I have to start all over again to get this new ios 6.1.2 ?
(Meaning 3 days work of backup, restore etc).

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