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HOW-TO Upgrade your 6.x Jailbroken iPad

I have an iPad on 5.1.1 and want to upgrade the jailbreak. Now that 6.1.3 is out, can I upgrade the jailbreak still to 6.1.2 using the firmware I've downloaded from here? Will that still work?
I have an iPad on 5.1.1 and want to upgrade the jailbreak. Now that 6.1.3 is out, can I upgrade the jailbreak still to 6.1.2 using the firmware I've downloaded from here? Will that still work?

No, sorry. As it says in the first post, this is not possible. You have missed the upgrade window. The only thing you can do is wait until the a new jailbreak is released which works on the "current" version of IOS at the time it is released. There are no other options, no matter what your status.
This guide will only support you upgrading to a version of IOS which Apple is currently signing. At the time of writing, there is no known way to get around Apples security regardless of what SHSH Blobs you may have saved, so only the "current" version of IOS can be upgraded to.

Just so that i am clear(been away from all of this a while)....others might have the same Question.
Also did a few searches....mostly A4 responses.

I have an iPad 2 3G on 5.0.1 and i want to upgrade my jailbreak to 6.1.2.
I do have 6.1.2 SHSH blobs saved via TU. Is there any way to upgrade?

TU can't trick with the signing? or is this only for A4 devices?
Can the blobs be stitched into the firmware?

I feel noobish with these questions.

Just so that i am clear(been away from all of this a while)....others might have the same Question.
Also did a few searches....mostly A4 responses.

I have an iPad 2 3G on 5.0.1 and i want to upgrade my jailbreak to 6.1.2.
I do have 6.1.2 SHSH blobs saved via TU. Is there any way to upgrade?

TU can't trick with the signing? or is this only for A4 devices?
Can the blobs be stitched into the firmware?

I feel noobish with these questions.

No, you cannot upgrade your iPad2 to iOS 6.1.2. The only iOS you can upgrade to today is iOS 6.1.3. It does not matter - today - that you have SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.2; they are of no use.

Sorry, but you'll have to stick with your current iOS if you want to remain jail broken.

I tried using this process today with my iPad 3 and a downloaded copy of 6.1.2. My iPad was Jailbroken on 5.1.1. When I try to update my ipad to 6.1.2 it fails with an error 3149. I then tried with 6.1.3 but that failed as well. Is there no way to use this to go to 6.1.x? Is 7.x the only option? (I hate 7.x) Any way I can upgrade my iPad to 6.1.x?
I tried using this process today with my iPad 3 and a downloaded copy of 6.1.2. My iPad was Jailbroken on 5.1.1. When I try to update my ipad to 6.1.2 it fails with an error 3149. I then tried with 6.1.3 but that failed as well. Is there no way to use this to go to 6.1.x? Is 7.x the only option? (I hate 7.x) Any way I can upgrade my iPad to 6.1.x?

The only iOS version you can upgrade your iPad3 to is iOS 7.0.4. The window for iOS 6.x closed a long time ago.

Sorry, but it's either where you're at or iOS 7.0.4.

Can I go from 6.1 to ios 7 with this method? looking at the evasi0n site, it looks like I have to be on ios7.

If you upgrade your iPad on iOS 6.1 to iOS 7, you cannot jailbreak your device because you will be forced onto iOS 7.1, which is not jailbreakable.

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