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HOW TO - Use PKGBackup to safeguard your Jailbreak Apps & Settings

I'm lost and sure could use some help. Ok, I'm smart but not too bright. Let's get that clear from the start. My (now ex) boyfriend talked me into using PKGbackup to backup my ipad to my dropbox account. And I think that was an awesome idea. But now, when I wanted to restore my backups, I don't know how to access the data. Mainly my pics. I can get the photos-xxx files to my ipad but they don't open. And there's no compatible app per the message. And on my computer I also am seeing that this is not doable. I haven't yet tried any of my other stuff but I'm guessing I'll probably run into the same problem. I've followed your steps above (yes, including respringing) but still no success. Anyone want to help guide me without bashing me too much about "if you don't know how to use it...". I've gotta start somewhere. TIA!

StupidGenius said:
I'm lost and sure could use some help. Ok, I'm smart but not too bright. Let's get that clear from the start. My (now ex) boyfriend talked me into using PKGbackup to backup my ipad to my dropbox account. And I think that was an awesome idea. But now, when I wanted to restore my backups, I don't know how to access the data. Mainly my pics. I can get the photos-xxx files to my ipad but they don't open. And there's no compatible app per the message. And on my computer I also am seeing that this is not doable. I haven't yet tried any of my other stuff but I'm guessing I'll probably run into the same problem. I've followed your steps above (yes, including respringing) but still no success. Anyone want to help guide me without bashing me too much about "if you don't know how to use it...". I've gotta start somewhere. TIA!


I have a question about your pictures, are you able to see the pictures in your Dropbox account from your PC? If so, you should be able to transfer them back to your iPad via iTunes. If you can see them in on your PC you should be able to see them on your iPad through the Safari browser by going to your Dropbox account. When viewing the pictures you can copy them to your iPad by touching them and selecting the copy prompt.
Another thing that I checked in to was the Dropbox app. I think it might be free. When I go to look at it now it only says install and shows no price.
Good luck in getting your pictures back.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
Thanks for replying Fid. I can only see the pics that I uploaded without PKG. The others are in photos-XXX format and when I click on the file, it offers to "Open in Evernote" or "open in..." but nothing happens if I pick anything other than evernote. And in evernote it doesn't show me anything. Just says it can't open the file. I tried restoring yet again and still can't get it to work. Did my ex set me up? It shouldn't be this hard. Should I write the masters over at PKG instead? You all just had it all so together in the discussion I just assumed that I was having a dingy moment and was just missing some little tiny period or question mark to set it all right.

Drop box is free for a little tiny bit of space. You outgrow it fast and wind up upgrading for a premium. But it's good for us photographers (or so I thought) because we can access our stuff anywhere we need to. It's like a backup of a backup of a backup. I guess I shouldn't have messed with pkg. He made it sound so simple. I've tried calling him to see if he deleted something or changed a setting somewhere but he's not returning my calls so I'm stumped. He wouldn't admit to doing something mean anyway so it probably doesn't matter. I just want to recover my stuff!

ETA: Other stuff that was also backed up with PKG is kind of viewable but not in its correct format: I can open Chats and Docs but they come out in code rather than as the actual chat or doc. Not as important since that's just personal stuff. Pics are my paycheck stuff!
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i have this but when i do all of this i notice that i dount have a do back up icon at the bottom to the right and my backup icon isnt blue its black and its to the right coner and ev time i click it it dosent work ill show you a pic of my screen 200648_471269822892514_380080979_n.webp
i have this but when i do all of this i notice that i dount have a do back up icon at the bottom to the right and my backup icon isnt blue its black and its to the right coner and ev time i click it it dosent work ill show you a pic of my screenView attachment 23171

The screen looks normal. My review was written back in January and there have been changes to the UI since then. When I press the grey "Backup" button on the bottom right of my screen a backup is performed as expected...

Non-legitimate / pirated copies of tweaks such as PkgBackup may not function as expected. Ensure you are using the latest legitimate and paid version available from the BigBoss repo.
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I don't know if this is the right area, but since this is a thread about backing up your jailbreaked apps, I thought I'd ask it here. I installed the 5.1.6 version earlier. The program was working great. I did a backup of all my apps and saved it on my computer. I had to restore my ipod touch yesterday, jailbreaked it and installed pkgbackup 5.1.6 on it to restore all my jailbreaked apps, but unfortunately, the program won't stay open long enough. It always goes up to a certain number of apps and then closes automatically. I did an experimental backup and it still closed automatically. Is there something I'm missing??? As a reminder, the program worked great until I restored my ipod touch with the ios fireware.
I don't know if this is the right area, but since this is a thread about backing up your jailbreaked apps, I thought I'd ask it here. I installed the 5.1.6 version earlier. The program was working great. I did a backup of all my apps and saved it on my computer. I had to restore my ipod touch yesterday, jailbreaked it and installed pkgbackup 5.1.6 on it to restore all my jailbreaked apps, but unfortunately, the program won't stay open long enough. It always goes up to a certain number of apps and then closes automatically. I did an experimental backup and it still closed automatically. Is there something I'm missing??? As a reminder, the program worked great until I restored my ipod touch with the ios fireware.

There is a new version of PKGBackup - 5.1.7. So, go to Cydia, upgrade the tweak and try it again. Hopefully, the new one will work.

I got the 5.1.7 version. It doesn't crash, but, unfortunately, when I push the restore button after it scans for the apps like the 5.1.5 did, it doesn't give the same loading progress line screen and doesn't restore :(

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