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Pkgbackup causing lockup. Stuck in safe mode.


iPF Noob

I need to learn something new today.

That is - how to get Ipad 3 out of Safe mode.

I ve just upgraded to ios 6.1 without problem. Then Evasi0n to jb, also perfect, no problems.

I have a complete backup of my ipad 3 on my macbook / itunes.

Silly me I wanted to try something new this time. I used PKGbackup to create a complete backup. I placed it on my Dropbox, oh yes I checked it, it is indeed a complee backup of my 27 GB of apps and photos.

Instead of using the Itunes backup, I tried to restore my data using PKGbackup.

No luck, after the succesfull evasion jb it started normally, I installed Pkgbackup only and started the restore process.

After an hour or so, the Ipad rebooted - into safe mode. The restore process didnt complete none of my apple apps were loaded, only a few cydia apps were installed.

Before I now do the normal Itunes restore, I just want to ask, is this pkgbackup a not thrustworthy cydia app, why did my ipad got stuck after restore, why didnt it complete the process.
Your assuming every Cydia app/tweak(you backed up) is compatible with iOS 6.1. PKGbackup does not check, it just blindly tries to install everything you had working before the upgrade. This is where you can get major crashes.
And, for future reference, it's what Bula said that is the reason why we recommend to never use PKGBackup on an upgrade to a major change in iOS (such as 5.1.1 to 6.1). So much gets changed that it usually doesn't work (as you have discovered). Sorry.

And just to add my 2c in support of PkgBackup, it isn't just "blindly" restoring. The checks are built into the infrastructure of apt, Cydia, etc. ;)

It is relying on the developers of each tweak to correctly mark their package compatibility in terms of device and IOS versions supported. Too many devs don't bother, and failing to provide any information is akin to saying your tweak is compatible with all devices and all versions of IOS. Don't blame poor old PkgBackup :D

Where packages are properly marked up, they don't restore from backup onto a new device which does not meet the compatibility settings.
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Learnt a lesson today ;)

Trust only Itunes when upgrading to major new versions of iOS.

I have just restored everything in Itunes, and then evasion.

Then I reinstalled every Cydia app, taking great care wether the app is running under ios 6.x

Now my ipad is perfect again, i doubt i will ever trust this PKGbackup, to diificult for a novice like me : ))
Learnt a lesson today ;)

Trust only Itunes when upgrading to major new versions of iOS.

I have just restored everything in Itunes, and then evasion.

Then I reinstalled every Cydia app, taking great care wether the app is running under ios 6.x

Now my ipad is perfect again, i doubt i will ever trust this PKGbackup, to diificult for a novice like me : ))
Is is possible to use Pkgbackup and only install a few tweaks at a time, or does it just force install whatever was backed up?
Is is possible to use Pkgbackup and only install a few tweaks at a time, or does it just force install whatever was backed up?

PKGBackup is extremely flexible and can support any combination of backup / restore policy that you choose. Like any application with many features, it takes time and patience to learn about them all ;)
I had the same problem and was individually deleting apps to no avail. But i downloaded a cydia app crash reporter and it logs your ipad crashes and tells you the most likely culprits. For me it was lock info. I deleted that and my ipad booted normally.

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