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Camera Connection Kit and JBM 3.0

anyone having issues with pkgbackup, i use xbackup and it works really good for me..... i even get to ssh into device and copy/save my xbackups to my mac for that extra option. You can restore to a backup using the app too, just like pkgbackup.
5. Turned ON Scan pacakges at startup (so only that, integrated with iCal, and confirm backup, is on now)

Hope that helps…

Thanks, you're steps showed me the problem! Scan Applications was ticked on. Shutting that off and Accepting Changes got rid of the App Store Applications.
Hi, jz purposely register here trying to help out,
I jbed my iPad 2 had the same prob for CCK,
Jz in the coinsidence I installed a source
[...removed link that references cracking apps...]
But it's china repo.
Comes with a fix that actually make the CCK works again....
Hope it helps..
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Please don't post repositories that advocate or reference cracking (stealing) apps or other illegal activities. Piracy is illegal and the staff of iPadForums.net neither condone nor support it in any way.

Prior to posting again, please read the rules of both the forum and the hacking subsection.

ALL: Have patience. c0mex will get the fix for the CCK up soon - no need to go to illegal sites that may have dodgy coding. Let the JailbreakMe developer work...


Updates out.

I see my SD card in ifile, however when I click on an avi player and select play in vlc or azul, nothing happens. Never used it before, that should work right?

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