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4.3.1 Jailbreak Observations - UPDATED

scalci said:
Thx f4780y, will do so now, I forot to say for the iPad2

Ahhhhh. You should always lead with that! As you'll see, patience is the game at the moment... Sorry.
Happy to report that Jibril has updated pkbbackup today to fix the repo bugs (and various others) which were preventing effective restores from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1. I have updated the first post to reflect this...
is this thread about jpailbreaks for ipad 1 or 2 ? sitting here with my ipad 2 ... no jailbreak ...

A quick search around the forum will reveal there is no jailbreak for iPad2 yet. You can commiserate with your iPad2 friends in this thread on the subject.

Be patient and keep the faith. There will be one eventually, but nobody knows for sure when.
hehe, been checking in here every day since i got my ipad ... can't wait to jailbreak it :)
that thread looked good I'll subscribe to it, thanks
Hi all,

Just finished my jailbreak upgrade from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1:D with redsn0w rc12 (just found it before doing the jailbreak).

What was particular with my situation was that I do not have a dedicated internet connection and MyWi is the only way I can connect to the internet (no service providers out here in the country and the 3G from Bell Canada works fine) hence my need for jailbreak.

Anyway it worked just fine, only I had to start the iTunes firmware upgrade while tethered to MyWi on the iPad (probably to get the SHSH blobs). Since I only had one try at it.

This raises a question if I hadn't work was there a way to restart or downgrade to 4.2.1 without an internet connection, I have the ipsw files and SHSH blobs saved on my laptop? or plan B drive 25 miles to a wifi coffeshop in town?

Thanks this forum is great and I don't think I could be so comfortable without all the information you guys provide. Congratulations for a great job.
Eivind said:
any updates yet??? havent been any posts in this thread for a very long time now :(


Don't check this thread for iPad 2 news Eivind. There is an active thread on exactly that subject. The reasons this thread was created for have been well and truly resolved. Any news will be all over the forum, but not this thread... But, no news yet... Sorry.

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