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iOS7: JailBreak Status Thread (Official)

Sweet! I am particularly interested in data management having used "root explorer" via USB hookup. Is there an app similar to this for me? I am guessing based on what I've been reading that "Cydia" is my doorway to these goodies. Yes?

If you're referring to Root Explorer on the Google Play Store, then yes, there's iFile from Cydia, which will run you $2.99 to purchase a license for it. Cydia's basically a "jailbroken AppStore", using the term extremely loosely. Developers will "host" their packages and such onto Cydia, which is the middleman for jailbreakers to get tweaks. Some are free, and some are paid, just like the Apple AppStore and the Google Play Store.
If you're referring to Root Explorer on the Google Play Store, then yes, there's iFile from Cydia, which will run you $2.99 to purchase a license for it. Cydia's basically a "jailbroken AppStore", using the term extremely loosely. Developers will "host" their packages and such onto Cydia, which is the middleman for jailbreakers to get tweaks. Some are free, and some are paid, just like the Apple AppStore and the Google Play Store.
Yes, the Google Play Store app (pro version or such and paid-for, I think) is the one I'm referring to. Now, your information has opened the door a crack and the light streaking through is exactly what I have been hoping for.
Yes, the Google Play Store app (pro version or such and paid-for, I think) is the one I'm referring to. Now, your information has opened the door a crack and the light streaking through is exactly what I have been hoping for.

If you've delved into a rooted Android, what you can do on a rooted Android, you can do the same if not better (in most cases) on a jailbroken iOS device. And everything is pretty much localized in one convenient place that's accessible on your device itself.
You said: "And everything is pretty much localized in one convenient place that's accessible on your device itself." This sounds intriguing! Where is this "place" then? Cydia?
Cydia has almost everything localized in one place in terms of packages. For Android, most of what you would want involves surfing forums and such. Granted that it still applies for iOS, but at a minimum, only applicable towards custom packages/mods, etc. The "bare essentials" for a jailbroken device are:
  • iFile ($2.99) for file management, etc.
  • OpenSSH (free) to allow for ease of SSH/FTP/File Management through Wifi
  • afc2add (free) to allow for device rooting and accessing via a computer through a USB cable
  • Activator (free) to allow for certain gestures for ease-of-access. However, the main reason I say Activator is a must have is because there are certain anti-theft gestures that you can incorporate. Instead of having the hold of the power button to turn off your device (which thieves will do the first thing they find/steal a device), you can have your device do nothing at all. Sure it's not 100% foolproof, but it gives you a small period of time where you can make sure that your device is online, and you can track it using iCloud. At the same time, you can set a gesture where if you receive a certain message, you can toggle on 3G/Location Services/Wifi, so that if you lose it and it has access to the internet (or 2G if it's an iPhone), you can turn on Location Services if it's off so you can track it.
Of all the packages that are available in Cydia, these 4 you will find that you'll be using them/relying on them one way or another over anything else.
As it appears that you (willerz2) really know your way around the ipad so let me ask you this... I am getting one that has already been jailbroken. Should I run any kind of test or examine the settings to see if anything needs to be tweaked? I've done a lot of jailbreaking already (HP-Touchpad, kindle paperwhite and nook simpletouch for example) so I know how important it is to use the correct software, etc..
Tweaking is user-preference. Play around with the device as it is for now, and if you want to change a certain aspect, then shop for a package that can accomplish it. At the same time, there are also quite a handful of packages that accomplishes multiple feats as once, Springtomize being one of them. If anything, you can always surf through Cydia and check out some of the features of some tweaks. You can also browse through the Featured Page's variety of categories to get you started.
So I have my "new" ipad mini original with ios 7.0.4 and it's JAILBROKEN! It was sent already loaded with a lot of apps. I tried connecting it via USB to my PC (T61 Thinkpad) and get an error msg saying I have to enter my passcode on the ipad, but there is no place to enter it. On the ipad I just get a little window with this msg: Trust This Computer? and 2 choices below that saying: "Trust or Don't Trust" Know how to fix this? Thanks.
So I have my "new" ipad mini original with ios 7.0.4 and it's JAILBROKEN! It was sent already loaded with a lot of apps. I tried connecting it via USB to my PC (T61 Thinkpad) and get an error msg saying I have to enter my passcode on the ipad, but there is no place to enter it. On the ipad I just get a little window with this msg: Trust This Computer? and 2 choices below that saying: "Trust or Don't Trust" Know how to fix this? Thanks.

With the new iOS security features, there's a few changes. First, when commecting an iPad to a PC, if you want to transfer photos and such, the iPad has to be unlocked (e.g. if you have a passcode set, you much enter your passcode first). Then, you can access the iPad.

And yes, you will often (a lot) see that "trust" message when you connect to a new PC. It's just so that you are aware of what you are connecting to. If you do, indeed, trust the computer to which you are connecting, just press the "trust" button and carry on.

I believe there's a tweak that auto-trusts, but it's always best to do it manually since sometimes if someone is try to access your device if your computer gets hijacked, you'd want that manual confirmation rather than automatic confirmation

Sent from my iPad using Tapa
With the new iOS security features, there's a few changes. First, when commecting an iPad to a PC, if you want to transfer photos and such, the iPad has to be unlocked (e.g. if you have a passcode set, you much enter your passcode first). Then, you can access the iPad.

And yes, you will often (a lot) see that "trust" message when you connect to a new PC. It's just so that you are aware of what you are connecting to. If you do, indeed, trust the computer to which you are connecting, just press the "trust" button and carry on.

I've turned off the Passcode Lock on the ipad and still get the message on my PC "The device “My iPad” is locked. Enter the passcode on the device and click “Try again”." every time I choose "Trust" on the ipad. This is when I am running Linux. When running Windows (7) I can connect the USB and it "takes" the Trust choice but when I try to open the ipad it says the drive needs to be formatted!!! Of course I wouldn't agree to that one. So I am STUCK. The person who sold it to me is willing to give me a refund rather than my trying to reset it and have the OS possibly upgraded in the process wherein my Jailbreak would be gone. If I can't do the USB connection I think I will take is refund offer up. I am willing to try some "tweaks" but am leery about resetting. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Unfortunately, I can't help [any more]. I don't have a Linux machine, or access to one, so I have no idea how to help you get around that.

What happens when you try to open iTunes on the Windows machine with the iPad connected?

Unfortunately, I can't help [any more]. I don't have a Linux machine, or access to one, so I have no idea how to help you get around that.

What happens when you try to open iTunes on the Windows machine with the iPad connected?

In WinVista (7) iTunes works fine. I can synch my music files, etc. so that's OK, but when I try to open the ipad's files using WinExplorer (clicking on the ipad's icon) I get a msg telling me I need to Format the drive! Can you imaging what grief that would cause? I have to find a way to tweak my Windows system to recognize the drive, so I will continue to poke around forums, etc.. Thanks Marilyn!

[Added Later] - I just did some playing with iFile and this may suit my needs (until I get the USB thing figured out). I downloaded a movie (Movie Box) - using iFile I transferred it to my PC - burned the file into a DVD. This is a movie, BTW, that is not being officially released until 6-10-14. SWEET! Praise again to the JB developers!!!

[Added Later] - This time I tried the USB connection using VirtualBox (running Windows within Linux). The icon for ipad-camera popped up and when opened showed the picture files (only). I was hoping for more accessibility (like Root access!) now that I am running a Jailbroken mini. Oh well, at least it gives me that much. The file transfer method of choice for me remains "iFile".

[Added Later] - OK iFile, move over... I just tried Filezilla and now that's the one. With this you get a GUI on your PC with a split screen. Your PC directories on one side and your iPad files on the other. (Screenshot below) Moving them is as easy as highlighting & dragging them across the division. Sweet! This is done wirelessly so there is no need for the "iffy" USB connection. Note: I'm using Linux Mint 14 on a Lenovo Thinkpad (T61) just for the record. Now, if only someone would post the iPad's internal directory tree noting which files are where. Maybe someone should contribute this info. Maybe me? Any words of encouragement coming my way? Bribes?


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I've updated the first thread to reflect the release of the "PanGu" jail break tool that will jailbreak all devices (except the Apple TV) running iOS 7.1. - 7.1.1. Here's what I said in the first post:

UPDATE (June 24, 2014): Well, there's a new jail break in town! :) A team from China has released the "PanGu 7.1.x" UNtethered jailbreak tool. This tool will jail break anything that runs iOS 7.1 - 7.1.1, excluding Apple TV.

As of today, this tool only works on Windows and the directions are not in English. So, one of our members, willerz2 has made this excellent tutorial on using the tool: http://www.ipadforums.net/index.php?threads/How-To-Jailbreak-iOS-7.1.X-using-PanGu.122355/

One word of warning - this tool comes pre-packaged with a pirate App Store. Bad! However, if you UNcheck the appropriate box, the tool will not install the piracy app and you will be fine.

If you deliberately choose to load the piracy store - please know we do NOT support piracy in any way and we will not help you with any complications. In fact, should you choose to pirate and then have issues, we will LAUGH at you while not helping you.

Still, if you uncheck the box, you will be good to go and will be able to jail break on iOS 7.1 & 7.1.1. Good luck and have fun! :)

I can't emphasize enough - UNcheck that box for the pirate store. Please don't be a pirate!!

Ok. So I jailbroke my Ipad 3 last night with this lates Pangu. Everything appears legit, but, I've just installed Guest Mode from Cydia and whilst setting the allowed access apps in Settings I came across this (greyed out) tencentweiboaccountmigrationdialogue. Never heard of it before. Nothing at all to do with anything I've installed as far as I can tell. A very quick Google search lists 3 CHINESE sites in the top hits. Mentioning something about "microblogging". It's early days so I'll have to do some more searching. Strange though.

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