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Official iPad3 Jailbreak Thread

Mickey330 said:
Our "job" - upon release of iOS 6 - is to wait for the jail breaking community. Patiently...
Very tempted to ditch the jailbreak scene for iOS 6 (once its released of course:D)
iRager said:
Very tempted to ditch the jailbreak scene for iOS 6 (once its released of course:D)

What do you think you'll gain. Apps will not catch up for a while. Most will not to go ios 6 because of wanting to maintain compatibility with older devices that cannot run iOS 6.
I cant get to get hdmi mirroring working on ipad 3 which is jailbroken 5.1.1. I also have a iphone 4s which is jailbroken. Hdmi mirroring didnt work on iphone either until i restored it and removed the jailbreak. I am thinking it will be the same on my ipad 3. I have display out and resupported on both devices. Does anyone know how to fix this while keeping my jailbreak?
ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1341486281.172212.webp

Sent from SyNaPtiC's PaD
Got bored so JB my 'New iPad'. Sadly it seems that my favorite apps don't work. Namely Winterboard and WeatherIcon. If I apply a winterboard theme th sonly icons that change are for JB apps. When I have WeatherIcon set up it doesn't update.

I see a couple of screen shots that say they are iPad 3 themes, but they don't work for me. And I see several posts like this one saying that Winterboard doesn't work on iPad 3.
Got bored so JB my 'New iPad'. Sadly it seems that my favorite apps don't work. Namely Winterboard and WeatherIcon. If I apply a winterboard theme th sonly icons that change are for JB apps. When I have WeatherIcon set up it doesn't update.

I see a couple of screen shots that say they are iPad 3 themes, but they don't work for me. And I see several posts like this one saying that Winterboard doesn't work on iPad 3.

Winterboard works perfectly well on the iPad3, however you must use 5.1.1 iPad3 compatable themes. We have themes sub-forum here where some are reviewed - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-themes/

And no, weather icon does not work, primarily because there is no native weather app on the iPad. Weathericon is an iPhone tweak.
In case anyone else is banging their head against this:

Some apps now have icons called icon@2x~ipad.png. Some of those icons are at 148x152 and some aren't. Some have icons called Icon-72.png, some Icon-72@2x.png, some Icon@2x.png and some use a lower-case i and some don't and some don't care. Some have none of those but have icons called specific names. I guess you can go and look in /Applications/<appname> to find out exactly.

On a Mac you can use pngcrush to 'un-optimize' the native iPad/iPhone PNGs (if you have the iPhone dev kit installed) and you can use sips to resize a PNG (the advantage for me over using a GUI is that I could write a script to resize and rename a bunch of icons at the same time).

This is how to un-optimize a PNG:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/pngcrush -revert-iphone-optimizations -q <input file> <output file>

This is a script that resize all PNGs with @2x in the name in the current directory and all its subdirectories and to 148x152 and appends ~ipad.png to the new file name:

for i in `find . -name "*@2x*.png"`
	dir=`dirname $i | sed -e s%./%%`
	outfile=$dir/`basename $i .png`~ipad.png
	sips -z 152 148 $i --out $outfile

Apologies if I'm repeating stuff that everyone already knows, but I can't find this stuff anywhere.
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