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Jailbreaking Methods for the iPad

I have a IPad 1st gen iOS 5. Just jail broke it. Having trouble with winter board. Just trying to change the status bar and when I enable and refresh springboard nothing happens. Also only a few themes work. Is this just due to ios 5 being new? Not sure if I'm missing a step.
Essentially, the answer to your question is yes. All the developers for iOS5 tweaks are hard at work (I'm sure) to update their tweaks for the new firmware. If you're on iOS5 and JB'd, you'll just have to keep a careful eye out for what's been updated.

Oh, and I'd suggest you get SBSettings and probably OpenSSH (change that password!) - just in case you need to get to safe mode. For me, I have both, and I've also added an Activator command so I cab use my volume buttons to get to safe mode. 'cause you never know...

/Helpful, gentle hint.

And, for iOS5 tweaks - this applies to all who's waiting - please remember these developers have "regular" jobs and probably can only work on their tweaks when they have time. So, please, a little patience.

I have SBS settings installed. Everything is going pretty smoothly with the jailbreak. Guess I'll just wait it out for more compatible options.
I can confirm that using redsn0w 0.9.10b3 does not complete the jailbreak . One gets struck at the boot logo. Use redsn0w_win_0.9.10b1 instead, it works fine
First post updated with the latest news! YAY!

Plus a link to our nice, tidy, tutorial... :)
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