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Official IOS6 Jailbreak Status Thread

Hi. Following my thread in this forum about possible hardware problems with my JB ipad3 on 5.1.1, and whether I can keep the JB after repair, I'm considering getting an ipad4 but need to have it JB. If out of the box the iPad is on 6.1.2 or earlier, does it mean that it can be jail broken? Also, would I be able to restore my ipad3 5.1.1 backup onto it?

There is almost zero chance that you will purchase any new iPad4 device today and find that it has a jailbreakable version of IOS on it. Yes, of course if you find one with 6.1.2 on it you can jailbreak it, but the chances of that are slim. You would have to find one that had been sitting on a shelf since it was manufactured before March 2013.
The answer to your second questions is yes, you could restore the backup from your old 5.x device to a new 6.x device.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm also looking at perhaps purchasing an iPad 3 or iPad 4 used. If I do that, the chances of getting an IOS prior to 6.1.3 is higher. In that case, I could also still restore my iPad3's 5.1.1 backup onto it based on your advice. By the way, is there any way to tell what the IOS version is before opening the box? Many shops are reluctant to open the shrink wrapping on the box.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm also looking at perhaps purchasing an iPad 3 or iPad 4 used. If I do that, the chances of getting an IOS prior to 6.1.3 is higher. In that case, I could also still restore my iPad3's 5.1.1 backup onto it based on your advice. By the way, is there any way to tell what the IOS version is before opening the box? Many shops are reluctant to open the shrink wrapping on the box.
If you go here and enter the device's serial number, it will tell you which iOS version it left the factory with. The serial number can be found on the sticker on the back of the box. http://ios.joshuaturner.co/
This looks really promising, but when I tried it using my iPad3's serial number, the result returned (6.0) was wrong. Mine was actually a 5.1.1.

If you go here and enter the device's serial number, it will tell you which iOS version it left the factory with. The serial number can be found on the sticker on the back of the box. iOS Version by Serial Number

Are there any other similar methods? This method looks really good as I can tell (if it works) what the IOS version is without opening the box.
This looks really promising, but when I tried it using my iPad3's serial number, the result returned (6.0) was wrong. Mine was actually a 5.1.1.

Are there any other similar methods? This method looks really good as I can tell (if it works) what the IOS version is without opening the box.

There aren't any other utilities like iOSturner for iOS finding. There was another similar tool, but it only worked on the older devices up to the iPad 1, and does not recognize the serial for any of the newer devices unfortunately.

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