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Official iPad3 Jailbreak Thread

Just wanted to add I've found the dictate key when you press the .?123 key. The other problems are really minor though it would be great if they could be fixed as it could confuse some people.
Okay. But, have you installed any tweaks from Cydia? We are trying to figure out what could be causing you the issues with Safari. I have a jail broken iPad3 and I do not have that problem. Just Jailbreaking the iPad should not mess up Safari or your bookmarks. Again, mine work fine with the jail break.

That is why I ask what tweaks you have - just tying to narrow down what could be the problem.

Thank you so much Marylin! Your question was enough to make me figure out what was the problem!

Yes indeed I had installed the Browser Changer tweak from Cydia! I uninstalled it and the problem was fixed! May be it was only a setting on the tweak but I solved by just removing it! I will figure out later about the advantages of having it back and if there is a setting to keep it working fine!

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I just use jailbreak app on my NEW IPAD (ipad3). I installed a couple of cydia tweaks. All was working fine and I installed QUASAR for running apps in windows... Just a few minutes ago, the entire IPAD froze.. I did the home button/power button trick to turn it off. I am also noticing that some games such as WORDS WITH FRIENDS and HANGING WITH FRIENDS freeze all the time and I have to restart the ipad. any reason why?
Hi all,
My first post propper here on the forum so go easy.
I've had my first ever Apple product, an Ipad3 for a week now and already thinking of jailbreaking it.
I'll be leaving that for a wee while however until I get to know it a little better.
If I could ask a question about a couple of posts two pages back where someone asked about free apps from the Istore and piracy was mentioned.
If someone would be kind enough to explain this I would be very grateful, I don't want to start of on the wrong foot here so If you could help me to understand that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
My first post propper here on the forum so go easy.
I've had my first ever Apple product, an Ipad3 for a week now and already thinking of jailbreaking it.
I'll be leaving that for a wee while however until I get to know it a little better.
If I could ask a question about a couple of posts two pages back where someone asked about free apps from the Istore and piracy was mentioned.
If someone would be kind enough to explain this I would be very grateful, I don't want to start of on the wrong foot here so If you could help me to understand that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forums.
Unfortunately, many folks think that jailbreaking is all about getting apps from the app store for free. It is not. That is piracy and not something we support. But folks that want to steal software must jailbreak to start off, which is where the confusion comes in.
Jailbreaking is about enhancing your iPad to do things which Apple, in its wisdom, don't think the iPad should do. For example, you can give the keyboard a 5th row with numbers / symbols like a real keyboard has, or you can change the icons and colour scheme of the OS with Themes.
As long as you are not looking to steal software you'll get on just fine here. There is no danger of you slipping up unless you go off specifically looking to pirate apps. It's not something you can do by accident and no jailbreak is provided with the ability to pirate software "automatically". Almost everyone involved in creating jailbreaks is absolutely anti-piracy too.
I suggest you have a good dig around in our hacking section, reading the stickies in each section and sub-forum is a great start.
Cheers for the explanation bud,
So, just to get one thing straight. If I do decide to go down the jailbreak route is it OK to get the normal "free and paid for" apps from the Istore as you would if in the std Ios.
Thanks again.
kennyrodgers said:
Cheers for the explanation bud,
So, just to get one thing straight. If I do decide to go down the jailbreak route is it OK to get the normal "free and paid for" apps from the Istore as you would if in the std Ios.
Thanks again.
I have used absinthe-win-2.0.2 to jailbreak my ipad 3 with 5.1.1. When I try to make a VPN connection it says "An unrecoverable error occurred". I need VPN to work

I got the exact same issue here! wonder if anybody was able to fix the vpn issue, and what cfster did differently.
Hi guys. Got new iPad 3. Jailbroken with absinthe. Loaded fine. But now can not open any downloaded apps. Can open what came on iPad, but not downloaded ones. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Gazza1 said:
Hi guys. Got new iPad 3. Jailbroken with absinthe. Loaded fine. But now can not open any downloaded apps. Can open what came on iPad, but not downloaded ones. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Have you tried a reset?
Tried most things now. I erased everything, jailbroke again. All my app store apps now work, but cydia apps don't. Also when I press on cydia apps to delete I don't get the cross to delete them. Thanks in advance for your help.
Tried most things now. I erased everything, jailbroke again. All my app store apps now work, but cydia apps don't. Also when I press on cydia apps to delete I don't get the cross to delete them. Thanks in advance for your help.

You won't get the "X" to delete Cydia tweaks. You have to go back and uninstall them through Cydia.

Which Cydia tweaks don't work? Have you checked for iOS 5.1.1 or iPad3 compatibility? Let us know which tweaks aren't working and maybe we can help figure it out.

whats the status on the ios 6 JB and how will updating to ios6 work? Will there be an OTA workaround or will we need to restore device through itunes to IOS6 and then jailbreak again? (coming from a longtime android user, so not clear on how this process works for iProduct updates).
whats the status on the ios 6 JB and how will updating to ios6 work? Will there be an OTA workaround or will we need to restore device through itunes to IOS6 and then jailbreak again? (coming from a longtime android user, so not clear on how this process works for iProduct updates).

I hope we dont have to restore as I have a lot of things customized....
whats the status on the ios 6 JB and how will updating to ios6 work? Will there be an OTA workaround or will we need to restore device through itunes to IOS6 and then jailbreak again? (coming from a longtime android user, so not clear on how this process works for iProduct updates).

Welcome to the wonderful world of jail breaking and the "jail breakers are usually an iOS behind" world.

The odds are about 99.9% that there will NOT be a jail break for iOS 6 available when it is released for to the general public (most likely, that release is sometime this fall).

If you wish to keep a jail broken device, you must stay at iOS 5.1.1, which is the most current iOS that is jailbreakable. If you upgrade to iOS 6, you will lose your jail break.

If you want to keep your jail break when iOS 6 is released, do nothing. You will have to wait until a jail break is found and released for iOS 6. And no, no one knows if iOS 6 can be jail broken ... or when it will be released IF it can be jail broken.

Take away: When iOS 6 is released, do not upgrade or you will lose your jail break. Our "job" - upon release of iOS 6 - is to wait for the jail breaking community. Patiently...

Hope this clarifies.


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