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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak the iPad2 and iPad3 on 5.1.1 With Absinthe 2.0

I have an ipad2 wifi with ios 5.1.1 and I would like to jailbreak it. There is just 1GB of free space on it.
The "official" procedure would be to do the backup, erase all contents and settings, jailbreak with absinthe, restore from backup.
Will it work in my case? I am worried that I might have to restore to 6.1.3 and that would be really bad.
What can go wrong and how to minimize the risk?
I have an ipad2 wifi with ios 5.1.1 and I would like to jailbreak it. There is just 1GB of free space on it.
The "official" procedure would be to do the backup, erase all contents and settings, jailbreak with absinthe, restore from backup.
Will it work in my case? I am worried that I might have to restore to 6.1.3 and that would be really bad.
What can go wrong and how to minimize the risk?

You do not want to "erase all contents and settings" on that iPad. It is almost a sure bet that doing that will mess up your iPad.

So, you will have to jail break that iPad on that iOS (5.1.1). To do so, I recommend you try using the redsn0w jail break tool. It seems to work better on a "full" iPad. Here is the link to get the tool: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

You do not want to "erase all contents and settings" on that iPad. It is almost a sure bet that doing that will mess up your iPad.

So, you will have to jail break that iPad on that iOS (5.1.1). To do so, I recommend you try using the redsn0w jail break tool. It seems to work better on a "full" iPad. Here is the link to get the tool: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Thank you for response, Marilyn.

That is exactly what I was affraid of.
I have read that erase all contents and settings should not be done on jailbroken ipad, but there is no explanation what will happen in that case. My ipad is not jailbroken, I guess nothing should happen then? Or I will not be able to restore from backup later because I am not on latest IOS?

I have also read that redsn0w is using the same method as absinthe for 5.1.1 jailbreak. In that case I guess I should have the same problems with full ipad.
Do you know what exactly will happen if redsn0w does not do its job correctly, will I be able to stay on 5.1.1 jailed? I dont want IOS 6 because it sucks on ipad2, no good features and no Google maps.
Thank you for response, Marilyn.

That is exactly what I was affraid of.
I have read that erase all contents and settings should not be done on jailbroken ipad, but there is no explanation what will happen in that case. My ipad is not jailbroken, I guess nothing should happen then? Or I will not be able to restore from backup later because I am not on latest IOS?

My bad. Erasing all settings only messes up a jail broken iPad (the coding address(es) get changed during the jail break process, which is why a reset won't work. But, it should be fine on a stock iPad. I should have read your post better... Sorry.

So, in your case, you can elect to "erase all content and settings." This will wipe your iPad and put it back into an out-of-the-box state (no apps, no data, no settings), but it will not affect the iOS version that is installed; you'll still be on iOS 5.1.1. Then, you can jail break it with either Absinthe or redsn0w (your choice). After the jail break is done, you can then put your backup back on (so, make sure you run a backup just before you erase everything).

Again, sorry for the confusion. Good luck.


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