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Official iPad3 Jailbreak Thread

I have a jailbroken iPad 3 and after jailbreaking.... When my app store apps need updating the incorrect apple ID comes up even though my apple ID is correct in >settings>store>apple ID!
I can sill download apps and use my apple ID for anything other than updating??
Does anone know why this is??

While you are in the App Store, scroll to the bottom of the Purchases tab. Select to log out of the store and then log back in again.

See if that helps...

I have a jailbroken iPad 3 and after jailbreaking.... When my app store apps need updating the incorrect apple ID comes up even though my apple ID is correct in >settings>store>apple ID!
I can sill download apps and use my apple ID for anything other than updating??
Does anone know why this is??

That has nothing to do with being jailbroken. All Apps are signed with a single ID. You must have syncronised those apps from your PC to your iPad. The apps on your PC are (for whatever reason) signed by this other ID. This can happen if you, for example, share an iTunes installation with other people on the same PC and you don't take care to segregate your iTunes. It can also happen if you copy the apps from elsewhere.

The easiest way to resolve it is to remove the app from the iPad and then re-install it using the App Store app on your iPad (NOT from your PC). That way the app is guaranteed to be singed by the ID that is currently logged in to the store on the device. When you next sync with a PC, those apps will be transferred up to the PC.

Hope that helps.
Moderator edit: This post is removed because of the mention of piracy and attempts at theft. Remember, jail breaking an iPad does not give you license to steal apps; it is to access the file system. Not only is piracy and any discussion of it, against the forum rules, it's illegal! Please read the rules.

kahoots: Remove that piracy garbage from your iPad and I guarantee you it will work fine thereafter. And don't be a pirate! This is your only warning.
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After jail-breaking my Ipad 3 with Cydia-Absinthe I can no longer open my internet sites previously added to my Home Screen. Every time I hit the web icon I get this message: Unsupported URL!!!! Anyone here has solved this problem? Also if I am in Google and try to open same page in Safari it gives me the same msg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can be done? I am about to restore the I pad to its original state.
After jail-breaking my Ipad 3 with Cydia-Absinthe I can no longer open my internet sites previously added to my Home Screen. Every time I hit the web icon I get this message: Unsupported URL!!!! Anyone here has solved this problem? Also if I am in Google and try to open same page in Safari it gives me the same msg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can be done? I am about to restore the I pad to its original state.
My jailbroken iPad 3 has no such problem. Sorry.
After jail-breaking my Ipad 3 with Cydia-Absinthe I can no longer open my internet sites previously added to my Home Screen. Every time I hit the web icon I get this message: Unsupported URL!!!! Anyone here has solved this problem? Also if I am in Google and try to open same page in Safari it gives me the same msg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can be done? I am about to restore the I pad to its original state.

What Cydia tweaks have you installed. Maybe one of them is the culprit. If you can give us a list, maybe we can try to figure out what's causing the error.

I used absinthe-win-2.0.2 to jail break my Ipad 3!

Okay. But, have you installed any tweaks from Cydia? We are trying to figure out what could be causing you the issues with Safari. I have a jail broken iPad3 and I do not have that problem. Just Jailbreaking the iPad should not mess up Safari or your bookmarks. Again, mine work fine with the jail break.

That is why I ask what tweaks you have - just tying to narrow down what could be the problem.

What Cydia tweaks have you installed. Maybe one of them is the culprit. If you can give us a list, maybe we can try to figure out what's causing the error.


Thanks for any help. I used Cydia absinthe-win-2.0.2 to jailbreak my Ipad 3 with Os 5.1.1
I have used absinthe-win-2.0.2 to jailbreak my ipad 3 with 5.1.1. Everything is working fine except for VPN. When I try to make a VPN connection it says "An unrecoverable error occurred". I need VPN to work

I also jailbroke my iphone 4 with absinthe 2.0.2 with os 5.1.1 and VPN works fine.

Does anyone have problems with VPN on ipad 3?
There are some issues with iKeywi on both iPad and iPhone but overall it's not a bad tweak.
On iPhone I have white blank keys on some apps including apple apps store. My password does not work unless I ignore the number that is displayed and use the regular 123 key to turn numbers on for the password.
On iPad it looks squished and irregular on some apps
And on iPad 3 the dictate key is missing.

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