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iOS7: JailBreak Status Thread (Official)

I've come across my 1st incompatibility (if that's what I should call it) since upgrading to & jailbreaking 7.1.2 and that's the loss of the parallax effect on my home screens. It hasn't disabled the iPad's ability to apply this effect to other programs though because it is working on one I'd installed. The setting for disabling this (General/Accessibility/Reduce Motion) stops it in that program and it works again after toggling back, so it must be the Pangu code causing this. Any ideas? Not such an important thing so it's more an FYI. I DO kinda miss it though!

Haven't read into it, but I believe it may be a side-effect of the kernel exploit used in Pangu, much like the ambient light sensor and headphone jack sort of "bugs". It's most likely not curable because kernel patches through Cydia are extremely risky if not impossible from what I've read quite a while ago. I personally don't use the parallax effect, but I can confirm that it's not working on 7.1.1 on my iPad 2, 4, Mini and iPhone 4S and 5S. I'll look into whether or not any of my tweaks may have blocked the parallax effect, but so far from my brief scroll-through of my installed packages, nothing comes up
Haven't read into it, but I believe it may be a side-effect of the kernel exploit used in Pangu, much like the ambient light sensor and headphone jack sort of "bugs". It's most likely not curable because kernel patches through Cydia are extremely risky if not impossible from what I've read quite a while ago. I personally don't use the parallax effect, but I can confirm that it's not working on 7.1.1 on my iPad 2, 4, Mini and iPhone 4S and 5S. I'll look into whether or not any of my tweaks may have blocked the parallax effect, but so far from my brief scroll-through of my installed packages, nothing comes up
My "last" jailbroken iPad ran IOS 7.0.4 and the parallax effect was woeking. The one I have now had jailbroken 7.1.1 on it when I got it and I don't remember if the effect was functioning or not, but trusting that Pangu would work on 7.1.2 I went ahead and did the upgrade/Pangu job.
Thanks for your response!

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