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How to view web pages of line with the Firefox app?


iPF Noob
Is there way to view web pages offline with the Firefox app? I’m using the Firefox browser app and some times I will like to view web pages offline with no internet connection. Is there away to do that with the Firefox app?

Or does the way the iPad work it does not save pages to cache or clears it?
I don't have Firefox, so I can't answer this question specifically.

However, you can use Safari's Reading List.

Tap on the Share Sheet and choose Add To Reading List from the list below the icons. This will save the current page for reading offline.

When you want to read the page, tap the book icon at the top left, then tap the glasses icon in the sidebar that appears. All you saved pages are there. Just tap the one you want to read.

Safari's reading list is enough for me, but it is fairly basic. If you want more powerful offline article saving and reading features you can find many app tailored for this. Since they use the share sheet, they are not browser specific and should work with Firefox. I hear often hear good things about Pocket and Instapaper, however I don't use them myself, so please do your research before buying.

Side Note:

I use Reeder by Slivio Rizzi as my RSS reader (Feedly for it's service). It also has a read later feature. I've played with it a bit and it works well on the iPad. If you want both a read later and RSS reader, it's a pretty good choice.
P.S. the advantage of using a third party read later apps is that it works with most browsers and some other sources and apps. That mean you can add articles from your RSS Reader, your browser, and even from some apps that have their own browser view (like Twitter or FaceBook).

* I have not actually tested with FaceBook or the Twitter app. I don't do the first, and use a third party app for the second. Works fine with the Tweetbot app.
Some one was saying some think about the pocket app that you install the pocket app and open your browser and you can save web pages there.

Well there may be some better apps than pocket app I’m not sure.

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