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Hw do i De register my iPhone 3G

Good karma

iPF Noob
How do i De register my iPhone 3G

i got the old iphone3g that does not support the current ios5, its on ios4.2.1 (8c148, what ever it means);)

someone is interested in buying it and i am tempted to sell it and get the new iPhone 4s earlier than january when my contract expires. what i want to know is how do i de register my iPhone 3g in order to sell it. i know in setting >general there is a reset button, never used it but is it enough. i want to remove every app, emails, txt msg and phone numbers so the new buyers starts from scratch. how do i do it? Thanks

on a side note, non of the 6 orange phones shop i visited have the 4s in stock, if i order it then it will take 2 weeks or more for delivery:thumbsdown:

another this is, if an iPhone is jail breaked, is it then unlocked to use any sim card for mobile phone?
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While we are an iPad forum - and we have a sister iPhone forum (iPhone Forum) - I can answer this question (!). :D

Just plug the iPhone into iTunes and tell iTunes to do a restore. iTunes will put a fresh firmware on it. Then, when it's offered, select to "restore the phone from new" versus from backup.

That will erase everything from the iPhone and make it good as new, in a fresh-out-of-the-box state, for your buyer.

Hope that helps.


P.S. Darn! I just read your last bit. If your phone is jail broke, then you don't want to do the restore thingy with iTunes. I'm pretty sure you'll have to put it into DFU mode and then restore it. But, don't take my word on it - please, head on over to that iPhone sister site I linked up above and ask them. I just don't want to steer you wrong... Sorry.
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Marilyn, you have given the right answer, thank you very much. this is regarding the de registration, i will be doing it for the 1st time so decided to post and get feed back here. and you know what, i never thought of the iTunes to de regesiter :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

regarding the jail break, i have never done that, i am on apple ios. i know my phone is locked to Orange network, so only orange sim card work (for the telephone and 3g internet, texts) i know it will cost me £15 to unlock it from a shop, but what i wanted to know was if jail breaking the phone will unlock the phone to any networks. the person who wants to buy the phone wants to jail break it when he buys it. i been too scared to jail break myself, hell the ios5 download for my iPad 1 was stressful enough LOL. i am no computer expert and jailbreak things worry me :( so basically i want to tell the buyer weather the jail break will either unlock or not unlock the phone.

on a side note i need to join the sister iPhone forum
Jail breaking does not unlock your phone, that is a totally different thing. How much are you selling it for....there's plenty on here who will buy ;-)
TheRambler said:
Jail breaking does not unlock your phone, that is a totally different thing. How much are you selling it for....there's plenty on here who will buy ;-)

Thanks Marilyn, so i have to tell the buyer that the phone is locked and he can then unlock it. The price we agreed is £150, including two cases, one silicone, and one plastic, a cambridge audio stand alone charger, brand new cable and head phone in the box. The headphone and cable are new cause i am using the ipod touch ones as i bought it before the iphone 3g. It was dissapointing that i have to buy another stand alone phone charger for the 4s as the 3g one is incompatible. Another problem is none of the orange phones have the 4s in stock, i have to order it and wait 2-3 weeks. And then there is christmas and more demand for it. Lets see how it goes. I speak to the person tomorow and then decide what to do, if he doesnt want it cause its locked then i will make it available to people here

@Kaykkay, the person who wants to buy the 3 g phone has never had a contract phone, always pay as you go. He has a samsung something and he wants the 3g cause he wants to use wifi internet and diwnload music from i tunes. Apparently he bought a 3gs on ebay and that the seller miss sold him, i know it cause he bought the phone to me, the sliding bar to unlock the screen was not functioning, i hard reset it, it opened but then there were other issue like not charging and all. The phone was physically scratched surfaces, and next to mine looked 3rd world. This was months ago and he said if i ever wanted to sell mine that i should let hime know. Given the 4s is out i let him know, he looked at my phone on friday, liked it, i said i will find out from orange on the weekend and let him know tomorow. I looked at prices of 3g on ebay and i he is getting a good deal, good for me too cause i can upgrade before christmas and use the 4s camera

RIP Steve Jobs 
Thanks, Good Karma. My iPhone 3 has been lying around, so I was wondering whether there was some alternative use for it.
Kaykaykay said:
Thanks, Good Karma. My iPhone 3 has been lying around, so I was wondering whether there was some alternative use for it.

It would make a great media player combined with some nice speakers and a dock!

The Archangel
It would make a great media player combined with some nice speakers and a dock!

The Archangel

Thanks, Gabriel. I was thinking I might leave it a bathroom with a speaker dock I got for credit card points. Neither is worth much, and if the dampness kills them, oh well.
I tend to find a use for all my Apple stuff that way as it handles it with ease and looks stylish. I'm thinking that the next iPad upgrade I'll do, I'll keep my old iPad, Remote app, with an Apple TV, home sharing and my old white MacBook as a media center......just leave it on the coffee table and films, tv shows, music, etc available to stream anytime. No reason why it couldn't be done with an iPhone or a Touch, etc.

The Archangel
And BTW, Good karma? You are so going to love that 4S! I got mine on 14 Oct and it's not left my side since.

Yeah, it's my first smart phone, but what a loverly piece of kit! :D

I tend to find a use for all my Apple stuff that way as it handles it with ease and looks stylish. I'm thinking that the next iPad upgrade I'll do, I'll keep my old iPad, Remote app, with an Apple TV, home sharing and my old white MacBook as a media center......just leave it on the coffee table and films, tv shows, music, etc available to stream anytime. No reason why it couldn't be done with an iPhone or a Touch, etc.

The Archangel

That sounds like a good idea.
Mickey330 said:
And BTW, Good karma? You are so going to love that 4S! I got mine on 14 Oct and it's not left my side since.

Yeah, it's my first smart phone, but what a loverly piece of kit! :D


Thanks Marilyn. When i started this thread today, it was from the apple store in regent street, i logged on at a macbook air. Before that i played with the iphone 4s and really excited about getting it. Its a brilliant piece of kit

Gab, you are absolutely right, anyone buying a 3g phone gets the best of the ipod touch and the benefit of the phone. I have to say i was surprised at the prices of 3g iphones on ebay. My phone is immaculate, no scratch, never dropped, and cases and screen protection used from day one

RIP Steve Jobs 
I sold my old iphone 3g after christmas and before new years, the person at work who bought it is over the moon, this is the best phone he ever owned. He successfully unlocked and jailbreaked the phone for £2 from ebay, and i have seen it jail broken and looks fantastic. He uses cydia and says all the apps are free. It now plays all flash video, have the compass and battery percentage which i never had ( they are on 3gs)

Got the new iphone 4s today and its very impressive, the retina screen is truly great

RIP Steve Jobs 
I sold my old iphone 3g after christmas and before new years, the person at work who bought it is over the moon, this is the best phone he ever owned. He successfully unlocked and jailbreaked the phone for £2 from ebay, and i have seen it jail broken and looks fantastic. He uses cydia and says all the apps are free. It now plays all flash video, have the compass and battery percentage which i never had ( they are on 3gs)

Got the new iphone 4s today and its very impressive, the retina screen is truly great

RIP Steve Jobs 

Wow, who knew? Impressive. My 3G is still sitting around useless.

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