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I want the new iPhone 4S ~ But I got the Samsung Galaxy SII !

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Why thank you Lyndsey! When I held both phones in my hand, the iPhone was a lovely size and heavy in my hands with all that glass. I love the glass sides. It just oozes class to me. The Samsung however seemed - dare I say it - plasticky! It was awfully light and massive. Like a mini iPad. I like the iPhone size. I wouldn't want a mini pad. I've got my iPad for that. I had to b told how to work it whereas I knew how to work the iPhone virtually from the beginning. It just works! Great statement but perfectly correct for me! I didn't like it and that it's just my own personal opinion so don't shoot the messenger. I spent awhile on the Samsung and yes, it was clever and did what my colleague wanted but! Oh, I don't know! I hope Marie gets what she wants from it but I do hope it doesn't disappoint in the long run. My run of Samsung phones haven't run smooth. Thanks for the info Lyndsey. How many days till you get Siri? Oops! Sorry, iPhone 4S (I still think it stands for Steve not Speed. Contrary to what Apple says, of course!)

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I haven't physically seen the SII, but my S is DEFINITELY plasticky and cheap feeling. It's bigger than my mom's iPhone 4 but it weighs a lot less. I feel like I could snap it in half. I definitely like the iPhone's size too. I saw someone with their huge phone - not a Galaxy I don't think, but some new Android phone of some kind - and the screen was MASSIVE. I just think it looked ugly. But hey, we all have different aesthetic preferences!

12 days. A week from Sunday. That is, if they have them in stock!

To me, S stands for Steve. Idc what it's really supposed to stand for!
High five partner. Great minds and all that. A phone should be a certain size. To fit into a pocket not a blooming overall pocket. Who has pockets that size in their jeans. I like the weight of my phone. It's not something easily dropped. Just saying.

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SweetPoison said:
Hey Guys ~

I want my first iPhone ever! I am ready to be owned for 2 years. I think. I want unlimited every thing ~ I know that is going to cost me around $150 a month. I pay $60 a month now for unlimited everything on my BB. I am sick of my Blackberry, though. It hourglasses way to much and battery swipes are ridiculous!

So ~ do I just go into Apple and get this phone? Pre order it?

Do I want Sprint, AT$T or what? How much is this phone going to cost me?


well just my two cents. In south Africa, I pay the equivalent of $6.66 per moth for unlimited Internet on my phone. :P

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