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Want to know where I can walk in and buy an iPhone 4S w/o pre-ordering...help!


iPF Noob
Tomorrow, November 20th, I am finally eligible for an upgrade at Verizon. I can throw my crappy Android phone out the window and get an iPhone. I've been wanting one ever since Verizon got the iPhone 4. I'm pretty excited.

But as most of you probably know, it seems no one has them in stock. I was wondering if any of you actually walked in someplace and bought one, and where that was. Or what stores you think I'll have my best chance at finding one.

I want the 16GB white (I think, I'm still not ENTIRELY sure).

Any help would be appreciated. It's not a super huge deal if I have to order it and wait, but I'd REALLY rather walk in and buy one tomorrow!
Mine is AT&T from a corporate AT&T store. I got it after the initial launch and they had black and white in various GBs. No apparent shortage there, but it might vary from city to city. I bought mine on the East Coast. Just walked in. I don't line up to spend money on devices.
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I know Verizon's, at least their corporate stores, are out of stock. My brother waited 3 weeks for his... I really don't want that to happen to me. Boo. Just wondering if there is a store (Apple, Best Buy, etc) that seem to have them in stock a lot of places.
I got my iPhone, yes. Best Buy Mobile had one in stock on Sunday morning, and I went to the store and got it 20 minutes later. 16GB white. It's my little baby!

As far as the teacher goes - I love her and I love the kids. But I can't start teaching until after they come back from Christmas break. (My semester ends December 12th.) My program director made the exception (because there is no other choice), but I'll get MAYBE, if I'm lucky, 6 days in a row of teaching and that's it. I'll take what I can get. But from now until their Christmas break, they're literally doing an individual project. It's a heck of a project... but that means there is no instruction which means I have no opportunities to observe her or teach myself. Sigh. Thanks for asking though!
So what have you asked Siri yet? When do I teach more than 6 days then , Siri? Hee Hee.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
I've mainly asked Siri to set alarms for me. Once I had her read my two texts when I was driving. Siri doesn't seem to know the answer to a lot of my questions. But I ask her silly things.

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